Any new moms losing the baby weight?

Hi y'all! I'm 32 years old, and my little girl just turned 9 months old. I'd lost 80 pounds prior to getting pregnant, and weighed in at 138 when I quit the pill to get pregnant, and 147 pounds (at 5 ft. 9 in) when I got pregnant (had a total uncontrollable weight creep off the pill). Even though I ate incredibly well and exercised daily while pregnant, I gained 50 pounds.

I'm down now to 154, and wanting to lose back down to at least 147, just because. And I can't get ANY more weight off and it's driving me nuts!!

Any other new moms out there needing support and willing to give some in return?


  • mkoopman4
    ME! My daughter turns 1 in one month, and I have 17 lbs of pregnancy weight left to loose. My goal had been to loose it prior to her 1st birthday, but that would be a hard goal to meet now. I am finding it incredibly hard to loose the weight!

    I gained a total of 25 lbs with my first pregnancy and 50 lbs with my second (my oldest is 3.5). I was able to loose all of the weight from my first + more with weight watchers. I am not able to successfully follow that anymore, so I decided to try this.

    Overall, I just need to commit to loosing the weight!
  • mind2Bfree
    mind2Bfree Posts: 10 Member
    Ur weight loss truly inspiring. I'm turning 30 nxt month and my baby is turning 10 months next week. I had a terrible weight gain during my pregnancy (around 90 pounds)...have managed to lose around 73 and need to get down another 17 pounds to my pre pregnancy weight. Plus need to get down another 30 pounds to reach a decent weight for my age & height.

    What are you doing to get the weight off?
  • mindiv
    mindiv Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks! I'm working out five days a week....elliptical trainer/weights 30 minutes a day three days a week, and yoga two days a week. Eating as well as possible with a mobile baby and a full-time job that's more than 40 hours a week most weeks. It was way easier to lose weight pre-baby, I can tell you that.

    A lot of my problem now is stress eating, sleep deprivation and not enough time to work out. I'd love to get in 40+ minutes of working out five days a week like I used to, but my only workout time is on my lunch break :(
  • mind2Bfree
    mind2Bfree Posts: 10 Member
    Hey - same me. I too work out during my lunch breaks. I try to fit in one of the les mills classes (RPM/Body pump) to get the max out in 45 mins.
    Same probs here - the diet. Just dont get time to cook a nutritious meal once back from work.
  • mistytopp
    mistytopp Posts: 10 Member
    i put on 20 kgs with my first and 5kgs with my second would really like to loose 30kgs but cannot loose any more weight it just stays the same no matter how hard i try argh :( from new zealand
  • mindiv
    mindiv Posts: 49 Member
    You sound like me weight is just stalled!