Snacking hell!!


My biggest problem with food is snacks, I often reach for a peanut butter sandwich or something chocolatey! I have been better lately while dieting, I'm loving an apple cut up with a little peanut butter on that instead, but that could get dull after a while!!

What snacks do you rely on??

Emma xx


  • simon_rider
    simon_rider Posts: 14 Member
    Try olives, only 20 cals each!
  • emmajayneduff
    emmajayneduff Posts: 35 Member
    I LOVE Olives!!
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I try not to snack, but if I get really hungry between meals I keep baby carrots around. Delicious, healthy, and easy to grab in a hurry. :)
  • One of my favorite snacks right now are baby carrots with hummus!
  • daniellegwilliam
    daniellegwilliam Posts: 122 Member
    Almonds and an apple, mini babybel cheese
    Pack of organic oatmeal
    hardboiled eggs
    celery and almond or peanut butter
    frut and cottage cheese
    pop chips for my salty cravings!
    cucumber sliices and ham
    small can of tuna on ryvita crackers
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Salsa with baked thin tortilla chips if I need something crunchy. Just check sodium content of the salsa in particular...I found some with only 40 mg sodium rather than the usual hundreds. I usually try to keep it healthier, but sometimes.....

    Need sweets? I like the Bliss dark chocolate squares at 37 calories each.
  • Cut up apples add a packet of Truvia and sprinkle cinnamon, shake all together in a baggie...

    GREAT snack for when you have a sweet craving !
  • tm315
    tm315 Posts: 1 Member
    an apple and PB2 with chocolate
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    cucumbers, frozen grapes, or skinny cow mint truffle bars are awesome
  • emmajayneduff
    emmajayneduff Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you for all the idea's everyone!! Now I'm peckish lol x