Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • scrapperthoke
    scrapperthoke Posts: 12 Member
    I had Roux-N-Y in 2009. Lost 120 pounds. Got too skinny from my perspective. Stopped losing and then gained back 25 pounds. I want to drop 15-20 and then maintain. I started the 5 Day Pouch Test last Saturday. Went back to the basics of gastric bypass and re-calibrated my understanding of the weight loss tool. It really worked for me. Although not intended for weight loss, I lost 5 pounds in a week. It helped me remember what the pouch does for you. I highly recommend it. Using MFP food tracker really helped me identify my problem areas, and to see how many calories I was really consuming. My coffee creamer was a BIG problem. Too many carbs. I agree with many of you that simple carbohydrates are the enemy. Complex carbs on the other hand are our friends. Since my weight loss my cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and blood sugar are perfect. I go by clothing size and where I am comfortable, not by what the tables tell you. If you are stuck I would highly recommend the 5 day pouch test. It is not easy, but it is effective to remind us what we are supposed to do. Good luck to you all. We deserve the best. I would do the procedure again in an instant. It gave me another chance and I don't take that for granted.
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    I had RNY 15 months ago. My surgeons goal for me was 140-145. My personal goal was 125. In December I reached me personal goal!! But then I got side tracked and depressed and started eating badly and not exercising. I gained some weight and am now at 134. I am still at a healthy weight but just want to be at 125! I can always use new friends.
  • healthyloserxxx
    Eva my two sons were born 15 mos apart and I couldn't do too much with a newborn and 15 mo old. What saved me and kept me in shape was that after breakfast I piled them in the stroller and walked two miles around the block. Then, home for lunch and a
    nap. Then, off for a two mile walk again. It totally picks up your spirits. Remember, the only one responsible for your success is
    you, not hubby, son, etc. You can do it! Good luck!
  • aprilkats
    aprilkats Posts: 34 Member
    I had a roux-n-y in Dec of 2002. I went from about 412 to my lowest of 260ish. Best decision I ever made in my life, but I never lost what I needed too. Since the surgery, I've had 3 kids and began some old habits, and after my last baby, the weight didnt come back off, so I got to about 330. I joint MFP and won't look back. I have to have a pretty large amount of sugar to dump, so that was never much of an issue. But I can eat pretty much whatever. Protein fills me up very quickly, but then I'm hungry again pretty quickly too.
  • bkings0203
    I had RNY Gastric Bypass in June of 2009 and lost 140 pounds. Actually lost too much and am now at 145. Would like to lose 10 pounds. My issue is I am actually allergic to sugar (fructose), sorbital and lactose. So that cuts down on stuff I can eat. I hope this works because the amount and kinds of food they suggest are somewhat different as to what I was told to eat or avoid.
    I did start drinking diet soda again about 9 months ago and the carbonation did swell my tummy a bit.
  • OkieGirl40
    OkieGirl40 Posts: 3 Member
    I had RNY Gastric Bypass 2 months ago. I enjoy reading everyone's comments. Although I am doing good and have lost 50 pounds in 2 months, I find that I struggle with being mind hungry, my body is not hungry. This is definitely not the easy way out but I no longer have high blood pressure or diabetes. I love how everyone encourages each other. Good luck to all that are still trying to lose weight and congrats to those who have reached their goal weight. I welcome any input anyone has to offer for my first year post-op.
  • erniesav
    erniesav Posts: 3
    I had my RNY two months ago. Lost 50 since then. and I lost 20 before that. I seem to lose in spurts I hit a stall just about every 10 pounds. But it takes a week to get me back going. I was obsessing about it, but the more I obsessed, the crazier I got. So now I just stick to the plan, weigh myself every day, track every morsel of food, and exercise three times a week. I have about 60 more pounds to go before I will be out of the obese category. It has been a struggle, but the bypass has given me the tool I need to do the job. I to have gone off blood pressure and diabetes medication, mercifully, and I look forward to being at the weight I was 20 years ago.
  • erniesav
    erniesav Posts: 3
    I had RNY two months ago and I'm wondering what the 5 day pouch test is.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    I had RNY two months ago and I'm wondering what the 5 day pouch test is.

    I haven't had surgery but I enjoy reading posts about it. I had to google malabsorption to find what it is. I recently read news stories of patients that could not absorb nutrients at all and end up losing more weight than expected. Their solution was to continually eat all the time but rather than eat high calorie nutritious food. They are eating high calorie junk food.

    Eva please don't be disappointed. Losing weight either by surgery or not, is a learning experience and it can take time to get things right.
  • LindaGialouris
    LindaGialouris Posts: 12 Member
    I had RNY two months ago and I'm wondering what the 5 day pouch test is.

    The five day pouch test is designed to get the WLS patient back to the basics so they can start losing weight again. Besides Livestrong, the developer of the 5 day Pouch Test is Kay Bailey - her website is
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    I had gastic bypass two weeks ago would love to follow along with others on the same journey. Feel free to add me.
  • iloveyouu13
    I had the RNY on Feb 11 of this year. i have lost 50 lbs so far.
  • djclarkmom
    djclarkmom Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 62 and I've been using MFP for about 2 months. I am 5' nothing and currently weigh 251. I try to stay between 1200 and 1600 without figuring in any excercise calories I have "earned". I generally walk laps in water for 1 hour 3 days a week and do a water aerobic class lasting 1 hour twice a week. I am getting back to swimming laps and have been managing to get in 1/4 mile a week. Outside the water I am sedentary and use a mobility scooter for most shopping trips and any but the shortest walks outside my home. My weight loss for 3 months has been 29 pounds. I am a 12 year post surgery open procedure roux and y gastric bypass patient who lost 138 pounds initially and gained back 80 over 12 years.

    I have not been starving once on the 1200 to 1600 calories. I am, at this point, determined to find foods that taste as good as their higher calorie counterparts and arming myself with them in order to stay on track. So far it's working well.
  • jennmom2twins
    I had rny 4 wks ago. I am on mfp and have a ton of supportive friends on there.. But they don't understand my struggles. Please feel free to add me!! I am exercising but it seems as I am burning almost all the calories I take in a day. I am so lost!!
  • jwhitch
    jwhitch Posts: 51 Member
  • elainepote
    elainepote Posts: 5 Member
    I am having WLS this summer. Hearing your stories has been very helpful. I'd love to visit with anyone. I need help encouragement and insights into my upcoming surgery. MissElaineous.
  • NatashaWhowantstoknow
    Hello everyone -

    I had the lap-band surgery done June 2007 and I have never been happy with it. I only lost 20 pounds after the surgery from the band and after that I started having really bad acid reflux which was a result from the band. I am hoping to have it taken out the beginning of next year. I joined MFP to hopefully get healthier with my eating habits and then I shouldn't need to get a revision surgery by next year. If I decide to I am still undecided about which one but have been looking at the Duodenal Switch. Good luck everyone on your goals.
  • MissPreciosa
    MissPreciosa Posts: 57 Member
    Yes...Me (years ago)! It's why I'm on this site. I've since regained control of my eating and I am down 38 lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • kimdaxgutierrez
    I am having RNY next month!! I am super excited. I just started a Low Carb diet!! Hoping to loose some weight before the big day!
  • SpecOpsGman
    my wife adam93560 is on here and had the surgery; but has not gained the weight back. You can join our group The A-Team (TAT).