Have you had Surgery for Herniated Discs?

I have two herniated discs in my neck (C5-6 and C6-7) pushing against my nerves and spinal cord. I have not slept a full night for the past few weeks, as the pain shoots through my shoulder and down my left arm. Even with the medicines, it is very uncomfortable.

I've been trying non-invasive ways around the pain for some time and things have not improved much, so I am going for surgery next week. Other complications like bone spurs from osteoarthritis will also be cleaned up.

They will be doing a bone fusion graft in place of the discs, and I may have some mobility limitations but hopefully not much.

Anyone here gone through something similar before? How'd it go for you? I'm wondering what your experience was for recovery and especially getting back to exercising.


  • sienaashleigh
    Hey Miguel, sorry to hear about your discs. When I was 17 I had surgery for a herniated disc C4-5 and I had similar pains. The pain would shoot from my back all the way down into my leg and I couldn't sleep for a LONG time. I actually had to have part of the disc removed because it was digging into a nerve. The surgery went great, I recovered pretty fast like in a couple months, and the scar healed up very nicely and isn't that noticeable unless I point it out really. Before I went back to exercising I had to go to physical therapy to regain strength in my leg that had lost a lot of strength due to the nerve that was being dug into when I had the herniated disc, so I did that for a while before I was allowed to work out. Then, when I returned to working out a few months later, I got a trainer that showed me different work outs that I could do that were good for my back. I still can't really run, but I'm pretty sure that's my own fault because I never strengthened out my leg to its full potential. There are certain exercises and things I can't lift for my back but my trainer helped me find things I can do to stay in shape. If you can't afford a trainer, maybe try asking your surgeon what you can do, or a trainer at your gym, just simply ask them what you can do. But I know that no matter what, the BEST treatment for post surgery is SWIMMING. It is the best therapy for your back and the best exercise. During the summers it worked wonders for my back and lifted all pressures and pains I would feel. So, thats what I would recommend, hope I helped and I'm sure everything will run nicely and smoothly. Good luck to you!
  • MiguelX66
    MiguelX66 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks very much for your reply Siena. You are too young to have such troubles!

    I will also have the discs removed as they are digging into the nerve, which causes the pain in my shoulder and arm.

    Hopefully my recovery will be as successful as yours.

    Good point about working with a trainer, though I'd have to find one very qualified. Swimming is something that's not very convenient for me, but I may have to find the time to get to a gym with a pool.