Should I be eating more calories?

I recently started adding calisthenics and hand weight exercises to my workout. I read that you should be upping your calorie intake to get muscle, but I'm also looking to lose fat, which requires a deficit. Are my little calisthenics in need of more calories or is that just for people who like..bench major weight and stuff? Should I go in the middle and switch to the maintaining calories?

If it matters, here is the list of muscle exercises I'm doing:

walking lunges, squats, bicep curls, tricep extensions, tricep kick backs, chest flies, pushups ( soon to be chin ups when i get my bar~) reverse crunch, V-sits, Bicycle crunch.. i think thats it. I only use a 5lb weight atm.


  • maa59115
    maa59115 Posts: 29 Member
    Technically you can't build muscle and lose fat at the same time, you can maintain muscle mass by eating a little more protein.