May Cardio Challenge: 360 Minutes/Week!



  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member

    ...planning on at least 60 minutes of exercise today...worked 12 hours yesterday and didn't get to sleep in, now I feel tired and unmotivated to M-O-V-E.

    I hate days like that! You are detemined though so good for you! You'll make it. :o)
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Yesterday was 25 minutes of dog walking and 20 minutes of 30 day shred. weekly total so far is 70 minutes....I need to step it up.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    15 minutes of dog walking and 50 minutes of mowing the lawn..135 minutes.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Just checking in, looks like we lost most of our group from the beginning of May. I like this challenge. I may not always make it; however, I feel like it motivates me to move.

    Monday, 95 minutes of circuit training and bike riding
    Tuesay, nada
    Wednesday, 60 minutes cardioBURN

    Total 155, lots more to go!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    ...planning on at least 60 minutes of exercise today...worked 12 hours yesterday and didn't get to sleep in, now I feel tired and unmotivated to M-O-V-E.

    I hate days like that! You are detemined though so good for you! You'll make it. :o)

    Your right....I just had to whine about it...I did 60 minutes of cardioBURN
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Yeah...I think the challenge definitely helped me getting moving again after last week. Normally, I would have lost interest for a few weeks so this has really helped. :o)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Peeps,
    Still here- this has been a super busy week at work for me but still getting in my 30-40 min /day of P90 ( although not yet for today !)
    That weird weigh in at WW last week seems to have subsided somewhat - was 181 on my scale this am so that was encouraging. Just have to get below that 180 number and not real sure why my body is so resistant.
    2 weeks into P90 and feel very good - my body feels tighter and stronger.
    Have been trying out Zumba dvds too and am still learning the steps - it's more fun than any thing else for me so far although my heart rate does get up there. Once I am more confident with the steps it's going to be a blast.
    I am glad we've been doing this challenge together - it has definetly kept me focused on what's important for me - daily moving!!I'm glad that exercise is part of my life and I am realizing that I truly do need it It helps me in so many ways:
    healthier body
    better attitude
    reduced stress
    keeping my promise to myself - self esteem building

    All that's good in my book ~ thanks for doing this together!

  • elizabennett
    Kim, I'm still here, just plugging away. Nothing yesterday. I was trying to completely rest the shin area. I was/am kinda worried I might have a stress fracture. I've had shin splints a million times, but not like this, where I feel like my bones are being jarred. Today was yoga for 90 min. Only 175 for the week, but better than nothing. I'm going to try to run, do Shred, or BFBM tomorrow and see what my legs feel like. If they are just as bad, I'll have to go see my Dr. Oh well. That's life!

    Janet, so great to hear from ya! :happy: In the P90, is there jumping? If my legs are messed up I need something without that.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Kim, I'm still here, just plugging away. Nothing yesterday. I was trying to completely rest the shin area. I was/am kinda worried I might have a stress fracture. I've had shin splints a million times, but not like this, where I feel like my bones are being jarred. Today was yoga for 90 min. Only 175 for the week, but better than nothing. I'm going to try to run, do Shred, or BFBM tomorrow and see what my legs feel like. If they are just as bad, I'll have to go see my Dr. Oh well. That's life!

    Janet, so great to hear from ya! :happy: In the P90, is there jumping? If my legs are messed up I need something without that.

    Sorry to hear about your shins. It's really hard when your body fails you while your spirit is still willing! Does just one or two days' rest really usually do the trick for you? I've had shhin splints before and they've always taken a couple of weeks to heal.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 95 minutes of circuit training and bike riding
    Tuesay, nada
    Wednesday, 58 minutes cardioBURN
    Thursay, 53 minutes of trail walking around the farm

    Total, 206

    So, yesterday, I didn't feel like working out at all. I read all the posts and it really motivated to MOVE yesterday. You all are an awesome support system. Starting to really see a difference in stamina and strength.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    90 minutes of figure skating last night. 160 so far.

    I'll be working in the warehouse for 5-6 hours on Saturday lifting 30-50 lb. boxes up to people on ladders. Does that count as cardio? Probably not.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I was/am kinda worried I might have a stress fracture.

    Hope that's not the case...stay with the low impact for a while, maybe a good week...can you do any biking (spin classes) or swimming for cardio...I saw you do yoga, that would be good for awhile to stay on track...does ibuprofen help? I hate setbacks like that.

    Happy Memorial Weekend!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    90 minutes of figure skating last night. 160 so far.

    I'll be working in the warehouse for 5-6 hours on Saturday lifting 30-50 lb. boxes up to people on ladders. Does that count as cardio? Probably not.

    I think it counts!!! Give yourself at least an hour if you think it was worth it!!!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Oh yeah...I'm counting 60 minutes. It was HARD work! It was more strength training than cardio but my heart was definitely going. I was throwing 30-50 lb boxes up to a guy on a ladder. We shelved over 400 boxes doing it that way. At one point, I had a 40 lb box that I had slung up above my head...but he wasn't ready for it so I just held it up there until I started getting a cramp in my shoulder and I screamed for him to grab it. He grabbed it and I took a 5 minute break before getting back in there. That was in the first 20 minutes. After I got home, I couldn't move my neck in any direction. A couple of brief, deep massages, advil and icing it, I woke up feeling better. I've been stretching my neck throughout the day and have almost complete range of motion back in it...just no sudden movements!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Any new challenge for this month?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sounds like hard work. I would love to have a new challenge...would you like to start a new thread to get some takers?

    My son came to visit whom I didn't really see; but, signs of dirty clothes were everywhere...LOL...Then, my parents surprised me and were at a restaurant that I showed up at...very cool to see them.

    Finally, tomorrow is my hubby's birthday. I've planned a trip to Las Vegas for 3 nights in September. He will be totally surprised. So, that will give me another goal to work toward.

    OK, so I have been a drinking fool with no regard to diet...haven't gained...but, need to get back on track...

    I work Thursday thru Sunday; so, will be logging foods...feel like I am burned out on eating out and booze; so, it will be easier to stick with....warrior dash in 2 weeks
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member