Binge eating

I did it again , it drives me nuts I really need help . Any one else hav the same problem


  • susannegreen
    susannegreen Posts: 48 Member
    Make sure you have plenty of healthy choices available to you and don't have "binge" things around that you'll be tempted with. Good luck!
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I tend to binge eat when I haven't drunk my gallon of water or I am just bored. Chug some water and take a nap?
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Get outside. Sometimes I just want to stuff food in, I am not hungry or tired or stressed. Go for a walk round the block or phone a friend, or drink a pint of water. Keep busy. Hope this helps
  • KristineW78
    KristineW78 Posts: 42 Member
    Avoid foods that trigger
    For me, it is sugar or carbs
    In fact, I did it today as well *lol* durn pizza GR!
    Also, find something to do if you find yourself craving food - clean the house, play on the computer, whatever gets you "busy" or distracts you
    I try not to watch TV - my man has a big one on at night - stupid 65" food commercials!!
  • cashtrippz
    I just finished my workout and I got carried away , I love granola bars and I cleaned out my supply
  • tracy_trace
    grab a snack and walk away. Find something to occupy your mind like playing on the computer, talking on the phone, cleaning or better yet exercise! that's what i do and i often forget i'm "hungry"
  • muayqis
    yeah, i did it too, last night.
    not had enough sleep the past few days, so skipped the gym and ate mountains.

    Today is another day.

    Once i catch up on some more sleep...

    [p.s hit 5000 kcals on the nose!]
  • cashtrippz
    I work out really hard and it's like I always do this ,I know I'm supposed to eat but this is a lil too much
  • Jessieee_huangggg
    Maybe you're not eating enough and you come back ravished after your workout? You said you go pretty hard right? Try having a little something beforehand then something right after. Also meal planning helps, plan out your meals/snacks and the general times you'll eat them. It takes some time the night beforehand but it's helped me a ton.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    What do you consider "binge eating"? I have binge eating disorder (mostly in recovery), a leftover from many years of bulimia. Are you just talking about a small emotional eating episode, or an ongoing binge problem? Like are you driving around to stores and hiding in parking lots eating food? Eating uncooked food? Eating while sleeping? Eating 5-10,000 calories in a sitting? Or, did you eat some pizza and chocolate today? Not trying to downplay, just need to know how it's affecting you so I can respond.
  • cashtrippz
    I ate three boxes of cereal half bottle of peanut butter 20 granola bars and that was just tonight ,I ate just as much at breakfast
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    I was stuffing dry granola in my mouth before bed a while back. I stopped buying granola, I was just loving the sugar. I won't do it with my (no added sugar) muesli
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    If you're binging you might not be eating enough. The body is awesome at keeping us alive, and if it thinks we're starving (like a diet), then it'll do everything in it's power to make sure we eat.
  • cashtrippz
    Yea I noticed that I do it once I get a taste of anything sweet
  • cashtrippz
    Well I eat 4000 calories a day , I do a 5 day split w my weight training I work carpentry and I make all my meals
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I feel ya. I sent you a FR. I don't know how I would moderate binge eating with such a high cal diet. I think the best thing is to start by talking to a doctor. Your caloric needs are so high that it would be hard not to know when to stop, I bet. My note said more. Accept it or not, but if you need help, I can tell you what helped me. May or may not work for you.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    This morning I had 1/3 jar of nutella, and tonight I had about 800 calories worth of sweets and chocolate. I feel pretty bad about myself, but I burned about 1,200 calories last thursday doing inward bound and am still below my weekly calorie goal. Still feel really bad about it though XD
  • muayqis
    I ate three boxes of cereal half bottle of peanut butter 20 granola bars and that was just tonight ,I ate just as much at breakfast

    I have been there, as soon as i get the sugar in it's like there's no limit. Boxes of cereal are so easy to devour by the boxload. Also Oats and sugar. far too easy and has the same effect.
    [A binge for me could easily consist of a few boxes of cereal, biscuits, protein bars/flapjacks/] this was before i was food on here tracking my kcals. I'd only stop when i eventually went to slep

    One thing i have found helps limit the damage is to find a fast and easy alternative that keeps the sugar down, but has at last some nutritional value.

    Canned beans + bacon(chopped with scissors) + onion + garlic. All fired into a pan as fast as i can, takes about 6 minutes, hits the salt and fat and protein desire, without spiking my sugar too badly. Eat with chopsticks.
    YMMV, but it seems to quell the monster for me.

    I know that cereal/protein bars lying around are just a ticking time bomb for me.
    My binge last night was pretty intense. With the exception of the protein shakes i don't feel too guilty though, and am looking forward to hitting the gym today
  • muayqis

    this too