Teenage obesity

Hi, I'm Morgan and I'm a teenager. A young one, actually. And I'm severely overweight, to the point at which if I were an adult, I'd be considered obese.

I really don't know what to do to get this weight off. I've tried sports, controlling my diet, exercising daily, and pretty much anything you can think of other than fad diets. I just really need to get my life on track because it's hard enough being a teen without being "the fat friend."

I currently weigh 228 lbs and I'm 5'6", I don't exercise much and I eat a (mostly) organic, raw diet.



  • lostdeer
    lostdeer Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Morgan im very pleased to meet you. Have you been to the doctors to make sure its not a thyroid problem? Just want to tell you what a beautiful person you are by looking at your profile picture. Dont let this wieght thing get you down and feel free to chat with me anytime you have a problem. I have a daughter who will be 30 in July and she went from being a good wieght to being way to skinny now but she doesnt think she is. Even skinny people have weight problems so stay strong. I weight over 200 pounds and get very depressed but then I go to my happy place and think that things could be alot worse and for some people it is. I practice the native american beleifs and this gives me great peace. I love to be out there dancing in the circle, drumming and having a good time with friends and family.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Hi Morgan.. and Welcome.

    Well you have tried everything.. but how long have you tried. Think .. 2 -3 weeks. ... or 4-5 months. Like how long to give everything a try before you throw your hands up??

    Dont look at this as FAD or a temporary thing. Look at this as long haul.. journey into a life style change. Anything that happens quickly in the weightloss........ never stay off long. So doing it the healthy way will teach you the ways to stay healthy while in adult hood.

    1-Portion Control
    2- Calorie Counting
    3-Get active 30-40 mins a day ( walking, dancing, jogging, workout dvds)
    4- water.... dont drink your calories.
    5-Dont give up what you like to eat... just plan to eat it and log in your diary. But also be aware of what causes you to lose control ( mine is chocolate... 1 piece and Im a done, I cant stop)
    6- Dont let others get you down, or talk negative about what you are doing to be healthy
    7-take pics ..before or find an outfit that is really tight or you cant fit. So you can compare.. when the scale doesnt move
    8- use MFP for inspiration..
    9- EAT!!!! starving does not = weight loss. Starving = binging stay away from 1200-1300 cal diet. How long can one maintain eatin that low.
    10- DONT let the scale rule your life. Weigh in once a week... same time
    11- Food prep. I know you are a teen, but prep as much a you can. If you can control you breakfast lunch and snacks... then do so.
    12- be honest in your food diary... or you really wont know why you arent losing weight. Let your diary be open to others for advice.

    Plan for fun in your life and diet... we all aren't perfect... dont feel bad having a slice of pizza or fries. Log it and move on.
  • HungryKoala
    I hate exercising and I hate suggesting others do it- but walking I find, is not so bad, its easy to meander around and I was surprised to learn how many calories it burns- how good it is for your cardiovascular heath, and that it actually speeds up your metabolism. Walking is the S***
  • lostdeer
    lostdeer Posts: 10 Member
    Good Morning! I was doing some housecleaning and figured that I would check up on you today and see how you are doing. Hope you had a good day yesterday and hope today goes well to. You can write to me if you want, I will answer you as I hate when people don't. I also have a facebook page if you want to talk there my address on there is - lostdeer1954@yahoo.com,if you decide to be friends on facebook let me know your facebook address so I know it when I get your request. Talk to you later. May the creator give you nothing but sunshine and happiness today!
  • lostdeer
    lostdeer Posts: 10 Member
    Morning Morgan I hadn't heard from you and was just checking to see how you were doing. I went to the doctors last night after work and was shocked to see that I had lost a couple of pounds nothing spectacular but at least I lost something. All my blood work was pretty good too, as im a diabetic so it gets checked every 6 months. So whats new with you, write me.