Forty, Fabulous and (Aspiring-to-be) Fit Working Moms


I recently turned 40 and it's time to get serious about getting fit.....and staying fit for the rest of my life!

I am married, have a 5 year old daughter and work full-time at a stressful job. With all the demands of family and work it's hard to find time to work-out.

I eat pretty healthy but am working on eating less -- and watching my sweet tooth!

I used to work out a lot and even had a personal trainer, but now it seems that everything else takes priority first.

I am looking for other 40 and Fabulous women who want to support each other in being the best they can be!

If interested, please reply!



  • mommysockmonkey
    mommysockmonkey Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 41 (will be 42 in a few months). I have 4 kids including a new baby and I work as a lawyer for a governmental entity. Finding time for myself is one of my biggest challenges. However, I've still managed to lose 34 pounds so far. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Hello. 41, single mom of 3, full time job here! I dream of how fit and thin I'd be if I only had an hour a day at the gym :sad: Add me.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Hi there,

    I am trying to do the same and yes, life's other priorities can get in the way!
    So add me and I'll offer support and encouragement to help you on your way
    Nice "meeting" you!

  • CC72MN
    CC72MN Posts: 12 Member
    Sockmonkey mama - you put me to shame! Four kids AND a lawyer??! Ok, I have no excuse with only one kid (although a challenging one with sensory issues!).

    We make a lot of sacrifices as working moms, but we can't forget about ourselves. An hour a day to workout is not too much to ask....the laundry can wait!
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Almost forty child of my own....but I am a daycare provider for eight more!....wanting to get fit also....feel free to check out my profile and add me....:smile:
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I will be 38 next week and work 2 jobs and live a very stressful life!!!
  • TheBoev
    TheBoev Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 43 (well, just a few week's shy of 44) with 2 kids very into sports (read that as always running them to practices and games), husband and a full time job. I force myself to find time to work out (truly, I do circuit classes) and I eat really healthy (OK, 85% of the time I eat healthy but sometimes I can't resist a cocktail or two) but the weight just wants to stick with me. It seems I hit 40 and my metabolism went on vacation. Add me, I could use an online support system!
  • tigtoo06
    tigtoo06 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! I just turned 40, have 3 little ones to chase after and a full-time job that some days feels like 2 full-time jobs. We can motivate each other cuz some days when the kiddos are finally in bed and its exercise time....that couch looks very inviting! Feel free to add me.
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    Turning 40 in August have 3 daughters. I am self employed and work A LOT. Add me! I am AMPED that by the time I turn 40 in 6 short months I will be in the best shape of my life!!
  • mommysockmonkey
    mommysockmonkey Posts: 88 Member
    Finding time to work out iis so hard. By the time the kids are asleep I'm exhausted. Mornings never seem to work because I'm still nursing the baby and she's up wanting to eat at a different time each day. I've read posts where people work out over their lunch hour. I'm going to have to see if that's a workable option for me.
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    I'm 44 and FABULOUS! I'm a mother (8-year old daughter), wife, and educator. My job can get pretty stressful at times, so I really HAVE to stay active to keep from emotionally eating. Since being a MFP member, I've lost 26 pounds (from 155 to 129), and I'm working on maintaining. So far, I've managed to keep my weight under 131 since November 2012. I would love to have more "pals" around my age and truly dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle. Feel free to friend me.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    44, 2 kids and full-tine job. I decided six (can't believe it has been tat long) years ago to get healthier before 40 and I did! But the maintenance battle is hard, too, as each year passes! Sending you a FR. If I did it, anyone can.
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 41, married and have 3 kids -2 still at home. I work out before anyone gets up or it won't happen. Feel free to add me.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Hi I am Kimi, 43, Mother of 4, one already moved out, one in local college, one in high school, and my youngest is in upper elementary school with autism, sensory disorder, challenging at times but this is one day at a time for Me. Work FT as a RN with handicapped children. This is my time to get healthy and fit. All friends welcome so go ahead and add Me. I log everyday good or bad. Support all my new mfp friends.
  • rdqc74
    I'm 39 with 2 kids. Self Employed. I have been going to bootcamp and started a 98 day challenge to lose weight but also get healthier eating. Our leader is great in offering doable suggestions for food prep. I have added way more protein into my diet. My sweet tooth is WAY down, and I feel fuller longer. Can't believe I got to 39 without the protein added in. I love myfinesspal so that I can see how I'm doing as well as track what works for me and what doesn't. Lost 8 lbs with this program, but also lost another 20 before I found this website.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I'm turning 42 in a few months....married. I have a son who is about to turn 18, and I'm self employed. I've got another 30 lbs to shed before I hit my first goal, which is when I'll reassess and see where to go from there.

    I like to lift heavy stuff, swing my kettlebells, and eat! I'm a low carb, high fat, paleo eater. I'm not a freak about it or a paleo evangelist. I'm also not into all the caveman talk. I just eat this way because it's healthy and works very well for my specific health issues. I've been tracking all my food recently, and keep my food diary open to my friends. I don't log my workouts here, but I do like to talk about them from time to time. I log all my workouts on a site called Fitocracy.

    Anyone is welcome to add me! I love new friends! :flowerforyou:
  • simbacat13
    Hi - i would love to join your group.. I have just gone back to work after a long break - almost 12 years, and am finding it really hard. y kids are now old enough to take care of themselves, but they still miss me not being home when they get in from school.. they're 11 and 15. I have started walking in my lunch hour, instead of going shopping or just sitting reading a book, and i feel better, although nothing has happened on the scales yet. I am monitoring my cals every day religiously, and record everything with the scanner on my mobile! its so cool... Even better - I used to do weight watchers, and I wasn't honest with myself and didn't write everything down, and couldn't get to grips with their points system.. this is much easier, quicker and realistic...
    I can't excerise at night, i'm too knackered. but I do have a 2nd job, where I am a cabaret singer at the weekend, so Friday and Sat nights I am out singing from 8-12 usually, but I love doing that, so its not like work!!
  • mjmom2
    mjmom2 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello Forty- fabulous,

    I always said I wanted to be fit and fabulous at 40 myself. I look at myself as a fine bottle of wine that gets better with time! Well with
    a 2yrold at 40 makes it a little bit harder to focus on ME. I would love to be apart of a group of women who aspiring to be fit and fabulous in there 40's.
  • L8dyJ
    L8dyJ Posts: 103 Member
    Feel free to add me. I think it's important to support each other as we continue to progress in our beauty at this stage in life. 40 and fab!
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    I am 40, I am fabulous! I am working! I am...oh wait.. :\