Exercises for arms?


I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for toning arms without exercise equipment. I live in a small town with no gym, and I would like to do regular push-ups without going on my knees which it's an embarrassment when I go to my karate class. Thanks!


  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    The best way to acquire the ability to do pushups is to do pushups, if that's what you're after. Keep doing knee pushups until you get stronger, or start with wall/incline pushups (where your hands are on a surface higher than your feet) and work your way down to the floor. If you've got stairs in your house, use those; otherwise, walls, counters, tables, and chairs.
  • tennisfan77
    tennisfan77 Posts: 10 Member
    Jillian MIchaels has a DVD called No More Trouble Zones. She has many arm exercises included in these workouts. The entire workout is 45 minutes long, but you can select which circuits you want to do instead of doing the whole thing. Wyou will need a p[air of 3 pound weights. I hope this helps.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    This is quoted directly out of one of our Gym fliers for "dorm room workouts"

    Shoulder Press
    Muscles used: Shoulders and arms
    1) start standing with feet shoulder width apart and holding water bottles at shoulder height (picture shows 1 - 20 oz bottle in each hand)
    2) Push the water bottles up by extending both arms towards the sky
    3) lower back to staring position and repeat

    Chair Dips:
    Muscles used: Chest, arms, and upper back
    1) start by placing your hands on each side of the chair, your legs should be bent in front of you and your bottom hanging off the chair
    2) slowly lower your bottom towards the ground, go as far as your body will let you
    3) using your arms, push back up to starting position and repeat

    Bicep Curls:
    Muscles used: upper arms and forearms
    (again with the water bottles)
    1) start standing with your feet shoulder width apart, holding the water bottles at your side
    2) flex your elbows with palms facing up and bring the water bottles towards your chest
    3) lower arms back to starting position and repeat

    Plank (A true killer for me personally!)
    Muscles used: entire body
    1) start similar to push-up position only with your elbows on the floor instead of your hands
    2) lift your body off the floor so that your ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders are in line, hold that position as long as possible.

    If the 20 oz bottles get too light, you can always increase the weight by getting bigger bottles. I may be wrong, but I think a gallon of water is 8 pounds, so you can get that far without having to buy anything extra for exercise if you don't want to.
  • jmkrt
    jmkrt Posts: 14
    Thanks, everyone! These are great :)