Clean Eaters/Healthy Food Prices?

I know a lot of people will follow a clean eating diet and I know that can be a bit pricey. I was just wondering how much a week or whenever you go grocery shopping do you spend on buying healthy foods and how long does all that food last for you? I just want a general idea of what I should be expecting to pay. Thanks! (:


  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Well my bf and I average between 150 to just 50 a week. The 150 is usually our main shopping day of the month that is where we buy the bulk bag of apples, carrots, organic condiments, then other house stuff like toilet paper. Then the rest of the month is just filling in the gaps, we usually run out of eggs and milk quicker than two 5lb bags of carrots. Also, buying in season is really cheap. We have done a lot of running around and between walmart, safeway, albertsons, and our local health food store we know which produce is cheaper at each location.
  • Sonriendo
    Well I eat pretty clean & healthy for 5 days a week at least.... I am a single mom of 2 (14 & 7) we have breakfast at home everyday and I send about 4 snacks and lunch for the 3 of us from MOnday thru Friday. Dinner is ussually rice n beans or some kind of meat w/ veggies. I do grocery shopping every sunday and Am budgeting about $55.00 per week so about $200. per month... I would love to bring that a bit lower, but I guess it doesn't get any better than that....
  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    I know a lot of people will follow a clean eating diet and I know that can be a bit pricey. I was just wondering how a week or whenever you go grocery shopping do you spend on buying healthy foods and how long does all that food last for you? I just want a general idea of what I should be expecting to pay. Thanks! (:

    An average of $50 a week. Chicken breasts are getting expensive these days. I only buy chicken, beef, fish, eggs, brown rice (twice a month), and some miscellaneous items.. And for veggies, i got it from work, so I'm saving a couple of bucks.. :)
  • nicoleekristenn
    nicoleekristenn Posts: 14 Member
    I don't eat a completely "clean diet" but I take advantage of a local farmers market in my town every weekend that supplements most of my diet. For about $20 last week I got 4 apples, 3 blood oranges, 1 pepper, 1/2lb mixed greens, 1/4lb spinach, 1 small whole grain and nut loaf of bread, 1 avocado , 3 large carrots, and 2 potatoes. All organic and/or locally grown. If you have something like a farmers market near you definitely opt for that for much cheaper and fresher produce selections.
  • BreannaBabbbyxO
    Thank you all (: this has been a great help and I will defiantly start going to my farmers market!
  • SeoulSilkie
    I typically buy for the week... but there is some stuff that lasts a lot longer than that (like seasoning) and there's some stuff that I buy in bulk when they're on sale, so that can last for 2-3 weeks too. For this upcoming week, I spent about 20 dollars on groceries. I bought organic chicken breasts, organic eggs, organic steel cut oatmeal, organic milk, broccoli, bananas, blueberries, and yams. I typically spend 20-28 dollars a week on groceries, and no more than 160 dollars a month (which includes eating out). So, it can be done!!

    ETA: I wanted to add to say if you have a SO or if you have roommates who want to be healthy, you can usually get more food or the food will be cheaper by splitting the costs. :D