diets and all

Hi beautiful people!

I have so many issues...obviously. I need to ask you about them.

I tried every kind of diets and I always bored of them and quitted (which is the worst behaviour of me, I always quit anything that I started)


1) I need diet buddies!! I know I'll quit again some days/weeks/months later, if I try to do it again by MYSELF! Which wont be good.

2) Everyone around me are doing this dukan diet in these days. And I have seen their results which are very good. I have checked about it and it doesn't look that harsh since I'll be allowed to eat everything that the diet says as much as I want. It looks pretty cool. and I think if I get passed the attack phase, I can do the rest. Plus, I won't lose anything but my weight? I tried everything in 23 years and nothing worked :( So... What do you think? Anyone tried?

Until I figure out what I'll do about my new dieting and exercise program, I'll just count my calories and all here. But I need your advice...



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Until I figure out what I'll do about my new dieting and exercise program, I'll just count my calories and all here. But I need your advice...

    Stick to it. Don't ever go on a diet again.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Fad diets don't teach you how to maintain the weight loss and live a healthy lifestyle. Dukan has a number of side effects and risks, and is not a long-term solution. Eat at a reasonable calorie deficit, find exercises appropriate to your physical condition, and look to improve your diet and exercise over time. Use the process of losing weight to build sustainable, lifelong habits.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Until I figure out what I'll do about my new dieting and exercise program, I'll just count my calories and all here. But I need your advice...

    Stick to it. Don't ever go on a diet again.

    Agreed. It's not about denying yourself things or cutting this and that our of your diet or juice fasts, etc. The most successful people I know on this site are eating healthy most of the time, being moderate with their treats,, sticking to their calorie goals and getting active.

    As far as exercise goes, it doesn't matter much what you do, as long as you stick with it. What kind of activities do you enjoy?
  • ametys
    ametys Posts: 21
    What kind of activities do you enjoy?

    I need something fun! I mean, I was doing Shaun T's basic dance things first. Then I tried a women -I dont remember her name- and her moves were like ballet moves; slow but after effect was killing me. And now I read somewhere in this site about Leslie Sansone - Walking. I love walking. I can try that, I suppose, since I don't have time to go out, walking because of my work schedule. I'm still searching :)
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi beautiful people!

    I have so many issues...obviously. I need to ask you about them.

    I tried every kind of diets and I always bored of them and quitted (which is the worst behaviour of me, I always quit anything that I started)


    1) I need diet buddies!! I know I'll quit again some days/weeks/months later, if I try to do it again by MYSELF! Which wont be good.

    2) Everyone around me are doing this dukan diet in these days. And I have seen their results which are very good. I have checked about it and it doesn't look that harsh since I'll be allowed to eat everything that the diet says as much as I want. It looks pretty cool. and I think if I get passed the attack phase, I can do the rest. Plus, I won't lose anything but my weight? I tried everything in 23 years and nothing worked :( So... What do you think? Anyone tried?

    Until I figure out what I'll do about my new dieting and exercise program, I'll just count my calories and all here. But I need your advice...

    I know weight loss can seem insurmountable. But it isn't impossible. When I read your post, it sounds like you have already convinced yourself that you cannot succeed. That is an effective way to impede success.

    While support is tremendously powerful, only you end up putting food into your mouth. Only exercise you do will affect your body. Getting friends to help you out with both diet and exercise is a great way to increase your chances, keep you focused, build relationships, etc. But you need to discover something inside yourself that will maintain your long-term goals. Perhaps more important, adopting an attitude of long-term success - a mindset that won't allow you to freak out or give up if you have a bad day.

    The key is long-term focus. There is no secret to weight loss. No magic program, or magic food, or magic shake, or magic pill, or magic exercise, or magic avoidance of "evil" foodstuff. Resist the temptation of impatience. Set yourself up with realistic goals, consider calories in weeks, look at progress over months. Keep trying different things until you find things you enjoy (both food and exercise).

    You have the ability to post here. You have the ability to lose weight. Believe that.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Don't go on a diet, especially another fad diet. Change your lifestyle. Do something sustainable.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Until I figure out what I'll do about my new dieting and exercise program, I'll just count my calories and all here. But I need your advice...

    Stick to it. Don't ever go on a diet again.

    This. No more diets with names or X number of days in the title. Eat whatever you want as long as it fits your calorie budget and you get enough protein