Looking into buying an Elliptical Trainer or Treadmill.

Okay, so I have a ProForm recumbent exercise bike and I've been faithfully using but I am looking into buying an Elliptical Trainer or Treadmill so I can switch between the two, and hopefully not get bored with exercising. My question is, should I go for an Elliptical Trainer or a Treadmill? I can afford either at the moment but I want to know which people prefer? I know some have problems with Elliptical Trainers because of the stride but I don't think that would be a problem for me because I am rather short. I would just like input on how people like theirs, or even if they had both and which one they prefer to use more.


  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    i did a lot of research when looking into which one to buy before i got my Treadmill and the verdict was that you burn more calories with the Treadmill... I have the Sole S77 and love it. Running on a treadmill is harder then using an elliptical.... i find the elliptical too easy like it almost helps me where i have to use my own legs on the treadmill. JMO
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    i did a lot of research when looking into which one to buy before i got my Treadmill and the verdict was that you burn more calories with the Treadmill... I have the Sole S77 and love it. Running on a treadmill is harder then using an elliptical.... i find the elliptical too easy like it almost helps me where i have to use my own legs on the treadmill. JMO

    Thank you, darling!
  • JodiWeakland
    I have a tSmooth CE 3.6 and love it... It has a natural feeling stride (which they say is because the fly wheel is in the back)... The screen isn't very fancy, there's no cup holder, and my iPhone 4s doesn't fit into the jack - but I watch tv when working out and I'm fine with that... They were super great when delivering - I highly recommend (and no, I don't work for the company - just did a lot of research)... :)
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    I have a tSmooth CE 3.6 and love it... It has a natural feeling stride (which they say is because the fly wheel is in the back)... The screen isn't very fancy, there's no cup holder, and my iPhone 4s doesn't fit into the jack - but I watch tv when working out and I'm fine with that... They were super great when delivering - I highly recommend (and no, I don't work for the company - just did a lot of research)... :)

    Thank you for your input, darling. :D
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    I have a treadmill but I would really prefer an elliptical. Treadmills burn more calories and are less expensive BUT you are much less likely to injure yourself on the elliptical. I have gotten hurt too many times on the treadmill so I barely use it now...if I run I do it outside where it is easier to have a natural gait. An injury can make it so you aren't able to do much of anything for awhile....and that isn't fun.
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    I have a treadmill but I would really prefer an elliptical. Treadmills burn more calories and are less expensive BUT you are much less likely to injure yourself on the elliptical. I have gotten hurt too many times on the treadmill so I barely use it now...if I run I do it outside where it is easier to have a natural gait. An injury can make it so you aren't able to do much of anything for awhile....and that isn't fun.

    I didn't think of that, thank you, darling. :D
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    some other choices are to buy a real bike and get one of those stands that you can use at home. the bike stays on the stand and you can cycle. plus you get the added benefit of being able to use the bike outdoors.

    i've been thinking of doing that because i have several cycling friends and they use the bike with their stand
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    It depends on what your looking for and if you want a challenge. I'm 5'5" and I had an elliptical with a short stride length, and it was tiny enough to fit between my couch and TV. However, after a couple of months, it wasn't a challenge for me anymore even having it set at the highest resistance level. I recently got rid of it to buy a treadmill, and I'm glad that I did. I can still set my laptop up where I can watch shows while working out, and I get MUCH more of a challenge from it. I didn't think the stride length would be an issue when I first bought the elliptical, but in the end, it turned out it really was, because it wasn't challenging and so I got bored and stopped using it. IMO go for the treadmill, unless you can buy a really nice one that has a big stride length you can adjust and would be more challenging.
  • Fitness4Paul
    Fitness4Paul Posts: 166 Member
    I have always enjoyed an elliptical workout. I like that you can have a great cardio cross country skiing type stride then by raising the slope completely change the muscle groups you are working. Also with higher resistance you can use your arms and your core to keep your pace up. I work out every morning on my elliptical. I have a live strong 10.0e and really enjoy it. Great feel, lots of features, solid build and awesome American based customer service. PM me if you have any questions
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    some other choices are to buy a real bike and get one of those stands that you can use at home. the bike stays on the stand and you can cycle. plus you get the added benefit of being able to use the bike outdoors.

    i've been thinking of doing that because i have several cycling friends and they use the bike with their stand

    My neighbor did this!
    I secodn that.

    I hate ellipticals - kind of pointless.

    At least with a treadmill, you can walk & jog/run plus the various inclines. You can also walk backwards or sideways on a treadmill (at a slower pace obviously) to hit muscles differently.
  • olyabe
    olyabe Posts: 36
    I prefer stairmasters for cardio because it is easier to watch TV from a stationary position. My head is more stable! And they take way less space, especially the new models. And apart from treadmill, it is the only machine I know that forces you yo maintain set pace. No phoning in possible.

    But if you don't know what you prefer, get a trial gym membership and check out all types of machines in a couple weeks.

    Craigslist rules for exercise equipment. I got a 6 month old stairmaster for $400 because the owner had some bs excuse why she could not use it anymore! Retails for close to 2K.
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I have both and prefer my treadmill much more over the elptical. Like someone said I would check Craigslist. They are soo much less for one just like new!
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    Thank you all for your input. :D
  • 2horsestoride
    2horsestoride Posts: 37 Member
    I have a Sole E98 Elliptical. I LOVE it. I had a treadmill and hated it - I found it so boring compared to the elliptical.
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    Don't spend money on a treadmill, just go outside and run
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    I burn twice as many calories on my elliptical and its much easier on my joints.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    My husband had a Stairmaster and got an elliptical. He needed the low impact machines for his knee (two ACL replacements). I hated the Stairmaster because I'm short. When I needed the intense levels my knees were up to my chin.

    I love our Precor elliptical. I use it daily. I've made a lot of progress on the incline and resistance, but I haven't maxed it out, and I can't imagine that I will. I have it in front of a big TV. It isn't too loud, and I like being able to back-pedal it.

    Good luck!
  • Sofitin2013
    some other choices are to buy a real bike and get one of those stands that you can use at home. the bike stays on the stand and you can cycle. plus you get the added benefit of being able to use the bike outdoors.

    i've been thinking of doing that because i have several cycling friends and they use the bike with their stand

    My neighbor did this!
    I secodn that.

    I hate ellipticals - kind of pointless.

    At least with a treadmill, you can walk & jog/run plus the various inclines. You can also walk backwards or sideways on a treadmill (at a slower pace obviously) to hit muscles differently.

    Umm...the speed you go on an elliptical is up to you, you can also change the resistance level and the incline as well as go backwards. It is also easier on your shins etc...

    I have lost over 25lb this year and we own an elliptical. I love it! :)
  • jriehl08
    jriehl08 Posts: 157 Member
    I would like to see the proof that you burn more calories on a treadmill over an elliptical. Everyone burns at a different rate based on weight, age and physical level. It also depends on how hard you push yourself. My wife burns more calories on the treadmill then I do but I burn more on the stationary bike then she does. It just depends on the person. I am getting an elliptical in the next few weeks for the pure fact that its not as hard on your body as a treadmill. I have seen a ton for 600+ 30 min burns on elliptical machines but have never seen a 30 min run for 600+ calories. Just me 2 cents
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    I think at this moment, after some independent research, I am leaning towards an Elliptical. :)