Affirmations/Visualization - Do you do this? Has it worked?

I lost 80 lbs last year between January & August. Then I injured my hip and quit working out. Then I abandonded my good eating habits. By January of this year, I had put 32 lbs back on. I'm back on track now, and have taken 13 lbs back off.

I know what I need to do, and I know how to do it. Losing 80 lbs in 8 months is testimony to that.

However, even though I am 61 lbs lighter than I was a year ago, I feel like a failure for having fallen off course. When I look in the mirror, I see myself as the same as I was 61 lbs ago: Huge; Fat; Disgusting.

I know that happiness is a choice in life, and I try to choose it, but sometimes I don't know how. I often feel like I don't deserve to be happy. I know that this psychological issue is directly related to and interconnected with my physical health including being overweight.

I just watched the documentary "Hungry for Change". In it, they address affirmations: essentially telling yourself that you rock. The example they give is Louise Hay's method of looking directly at yourself in the mirror twice a day for 30 days and tell yourself, "I accept myself unconditionally right now".

They also discuss visualization: Literally picturing yourself as you would like to be. Neither of these concepts are new to me, but I've never really employed them.

I am wondering if anyone else has done this, and what their experience has been. I figure I'll try it & see. What's the worst that could possible happen, right? I'd love to hear your thoughts.



  • caribear1984
    I haven't been doing affirmations, but I think visualization is a big part of my success this time. It has given me a goal to work towards besides just an arbitrary number on the scale. Weight loss success, in my opinion, is mostly psychological, so your idea totally makes sense.

    Good luck!
  • stacey2022
    stacey2022 Posts: 25 Member
    I am going to do both of these!!! Day 1 - gotta do this!!
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Hey Ladies! I created a Visualization thread where everyone posted their images! You guys should add your pictures! :flowerforyou:
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I do actually have a visualization of myself as how I would like to be. I did this unintentionally but yeah.

    After I reach my goal, I wanted to get professional pictures taken. I thought of a nice place, and an awesome outfit...then I started to think about how I would want my hair, which jewellery to wear, and how my make up will be done - everything from head to toe. Now sometimes before I pass out and Im laying in bed - I imagine myself on my photo shoot. When i have temptations - I think of the "future me" on photo shoot day.

    It actually really has helped keep me going. It gives me a visual to work towards and provides motivation.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    Here's a little inspiration of an affirmation in the mirror....this little girl is awesome!
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    I do visualization all the time. After I had my son I had 62 pounds to lose. I walked 4 miles a day. I had just had just finished reading The Secret and decided to put it to the test. While I was walking I visualized the numbers on my digital scale going down one by one until I saw my goal weight. I did this over and over in my head for the full 4 miles. 9 months to the day I had him the 62 were gone. I've had other similar success with visualization in other areas of my life. I'm a believer!
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    You are well on your way, thanks for sharing!
    I haven't been doing affirmations, but I think visualization is a big part of my success this time. It has given me a goal to work towards besides just an arbitrary number on the scale. Weight loss success, in my opinion, is mostly psychological, so your idea totally makes sense.

    Good luck!
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    I hope it works for you. It's Day 1 for me, too. Keep us posted!
    I am going to do both of these!!! Day 1 - gotta do this!!
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    That's a great thread! Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately I don't think I've ever had a single picture of myself that I could stand to look at, even at a healthy weight as a kid. So I'm hoping the affirmations help with that. :smile:

    Hey Ladies! I created a Visualization thread where everyone posted their images! You guys should add your pictures! :flowerforyou:
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I love the detail of your visualization - the whole process, head to toe. I think it makes it more real.
    I do actually have a visualization of myself as how I would like to be. I did this unintentionally but yeah.

    After I reach my goal, I wanted to get professional pictures taken. I thought of a nice place, and an awesome outfit...then I started to think about how I would want my hair, which jewellery to wear, and how my make up will be done - everything from head to toe. Now sometimes before I pass out and Im laying in bed - I imagine myself on my photo shoot. When i have temptations - I think of the "future me" on photo shoot day.

    It actually really has helped keep me going. It gives me a visual to work towards and provides motivation.
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    Very inspiring! I hope 40 isn't too late to start! :smile:
    Here's a little inspiration of an affirmation in the mirror....this little girl is awesome!
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
    I do visualization all the time. After I had my son I had 62 pounds to lose. I walked 4 miles a day. I had just had just finished reading The Secret and decided to put it to the test. While I was walking I visualized the numbers on my digital scale going down one by one until I saw my goal weight. I did this over and over in my head for the full 4 miles. 9 months to the day I had him the 62 were gone. I've had other similar success with visualization in other areas of my life. I'm a believer!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Said this before here, I'll say it again. I tell myself this, more or less, when I get down on myself.

    I don't care if I deserve to be happy, plenty of people do and aren't and vice versa. I'm going to be happy anyway. And if that means being in my own corner even when I don't like everything about myself, then I'm there!
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    Said this before here, I'll say it again. I tell myself this, more or less, when I get down on myself.

    I don't care if I deserve to be happy, plenty of people do and aren't and vice versa. I'm going to be happy anyway. And if that means being in my own corner even when I don't like everything about myself, then I'm there!

    Love it! Thanks for sharing!
  • Wickedone1973
    Like anything else in life, you get out of it what you put into it. I have used it for other areas of life. Have only been on this weight loss journey for a month, but I do use this one:

    I am strong
    I am fit
    I am determined
    I will succeed
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    Like anything else in life, you get out of it what you put into it. I have used it for other areas of life. Have only been on this weight loss journey for a month, but I do use this one:

    I am strong
    I am fit
    I am determined
    I will succeed

    Sounds like you've got positive thinking under control! Nicely done!
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    I am currently half-way through Louise Hay's "You Can Heal you Life".
    My mum spent years nagging me to read it, and now at 33, I have finally decided to follow her advice.

    I can honestly say it's one of the best things I have ever read - I only wish I had done it sooner.
    When I first started reading it, I couldn't look at myself in the mirror and say "I love and approve of myself" withouth coming close to tears.
    I can now do it over and over again, with a big smile on my face!
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    I am currently half-way through Louise Hay's "You Can Heal you Life".
    My mum spent years nagging me to read it, and now at 33, I have finally decided to follow her advice.

    I can honestly say it's one of the best things I have ever read - I only wish I had done it sooner.
    When I first started reading it, I couldn't look at myself in the mirror and say "I love and approve of myself" withouth coming close to tears.
    I can now do it over and over again, with a big smile on my face!

    So glad to hear that it's working for you! I hope you find the balance of the book to provide continued inspiration. Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • run4rain
    It certainly can work! There's another book called "The Gabriel Method" that's absolutely wonderful. Jon Gabriel, the author also includes a couple of meditations/self-visualizations and affirmations to listen to, one for the morning and one to listen to as you're falling asleep at night. Good luck to you! I used "The Gabriel Method" a couple of summers ago and it helped me lose about 30 lbs in 3 months.
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    It certainly can work! There's another book called "The Gabriel Method" that's absolutely wonderful. Jon Gabriel, the author also includes a couple of meditations/self-visualizations and affirmations to listen to, one for the morning and one to listen to as you're falling asleep at night. Good luck to you! I used "The Gabriel Method" a couple of summers ago and it helped me lose about 30 lbs in 3 months.

    Thanks for the tip! I'll check it out. So glad that it worked for you! Good luck in your continued journey to better health!