Fitbit calorie adjustments

So confused, can anyone help explain to me how the calorie adjustments work between fitbit and mfp?


  • verzanie
    verzanie Posts: 54 Member
    mmmm i'd love to have an answer to this too please if anyone can help - Got a fitbit this morning and nothing seems to be syncing..thanks
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I have one myself and have been wondering the same thing. If Fitbit gives me extra calories from activity and I don't stay active the rest of the day until I go to bed, it takes back some of my calories! That has caused me to go over my food allowance a couple of times. Makes me crazy. But if I log exercise on MFP, it's mine to keep all day no matter what. I'd also love to know more information.
  • not synching for me either. Must be a problem on one of the websites.
  • It may have something to do with Fitbit or the MyFitnessPal website... mine isn't seeking this morning either. This happens maybe once a month for a few hours.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Mine's working fine.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Unless it's an actual burn I wouldn't eat all the fitbit caloiries back. Fitbit adjusts on activity throughout the day as you have noticed. It'll go backwards if you don't maintain some activity (the flower will shrink)..Lyle McDonald on body recomposition talks about how a 600cal burn can quickly become only a 200 cal burn if you go home n crash on the couch after and for most of the day. I can't remember the exact science behind this but it made sense when I read it. He wasn't directly referring to fitbit countback but it can help explain why fitbit does this. There is a fitbit group on here you can join and a member who is terrific with helping you with any Q's (kimsled).
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Thanks SKIM. I'm already a member and will try and make contact.
  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    Fitbit tracks your calories burned from the moment the day starts, you burn calories sleeping.
    And it does deduct exercise calories when you are inactive. As an example I worked out this morning and had 600 exercise calories by 6:00am then decided to take a nap and had 540 when I got back up.

    Make sure and set your MFP settings to sedentary and don't add exercise calories manually as Fitbit will do it all for you in your food diary.

    I feel Fitbit is generous with exercise calories so give yourself some leeway when eating back.

    Fitbit has had some problems today with syncing so be patient if you don't see them yet. Mine has started working again.
  • Fitness4Paul
    Fitness4Paul Posts: 166 Member
    Basically if you set your activity level to sedentary on mfp then fitbit will adjust your required calories according as you move up to lite active or active. Fitbit actually tracks how active you are so this is more accurate than just an arbitrary guess when you simple select a higher activity level in MFP