Road Blocks? Anyone?

I am definitely feeling frustrated today, I check once a week and made 0 progress with weight loss since last Friday. I have been keeping up with my calories best I can and have been working out 30- 120 min a day every day.. any tips? Those familiar feelings of I can't do this are creeping in.. I do NOT want to give up. I shed 10 lbs my 1st week, then 2 lbs the following week.. now NOTHING.:explode:


  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Don't give up!!! Back to exercise calories. Are you eating what you earn? If not then you're probably in starvation mode.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    You had a big loss 2 weeks ago. Your body is trying to catch up. If you just increased your workout intensity your muscles could be retaining water. Eat your exercise calories, that's what they are there for. Have you had too much sodium? All these could be factors. Don't give up after one bad week.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Don't give up!!! Back to exercise calories. Are you eating what you earn? If not then you're probably in starvation mode.

    Yeap that was my first thought!
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    I know this is going to be one of the dumbest questions ever, but here goes anyways.

    Everyone keeps saying you must eat your exercise cal or you will not lose weight. My question is then how do people with eating disorders get their weight down so low they risk dying. Why wouldn't their bodies stop losing and start gaining.?
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    Have you been changing up your workout routines?
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I started really trying to lose weight in December last year: I worked out a min of 50mins 5-6 days per week: I bought a small digital scale to weigh my foods so I get my cal counts in as close to correct as I could. And in March I still hadn't lost a lbs, literally! Talk about frustration! But, I did notice my clothes looked better on me. In the last 2 months I've averaged losing around 1 lbs p/week, and am looking really great. Something we all have to keep in mind when we're trying to lose weight, especially if you're working out, you're building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Don't always judge by the weight you've lost, but by how you look and feel. And whatever you do, DO NOT give up! Losing weight & keeping it off is one of the hardest things in the world, and it won't happen overnight, in a week or a month. It's life-long. You'll have up and downs, but set yourself goals: something like, I'll fit into such and such pants/shorts/dress in such & such size and work towards that. Just remember, how much you weigh is not as accurate as how good you feel you look. Don't give up, keep moving on and you'll reach your goals.
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Hi. Can you make a list of all the reasons you are trying to improve your life through diet and exercise OTHER than what the scale says? For example, to avoid food-related health problems that might run in the family? To be able to do fun sports or exercise activities? To be able to work in the yard for HOURS instead of minutes without suffering back problems? Write them down. You probably have many reasons to keep going, regardless of what the scale says.
  • miriambeal
    miriambeal Posts: 13
    Have you been changing up your workout routines?

    I was also thinking about this, I have been doing the same 3.. and mixing them up.. but it may be time for something new.
  • miriambeal
    miriambeal Posts: 13
    Don't give up!!! Back to exercise calories. Are you eating what you earn? If not then you're probably in starvation mode.

    I am not eating all of them back but I eat as much as I can eat before 7pm, but I can not eat just for the sake of eating.. I can't when I am simply not hungry.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    You had a big loss 2 weeks ago. Your body is trying to catch up. If you just increased your workout intensity your muscles could be retaining water. Eat your exercise calories, that's what they are there for. Have you had too much sodium? All these could be factors. Don't give up after one bad week.

    I totally agree with this!! Usually after I have a big loss I'll kind of slow down or plateau for a couple weeks. Normally if it happens for 2 weeks or more, I'll give myself a cheat day and eat a meal I really want but normally wouldn't indulge in, then I ramp up my workout intensity and that helps me lose pretty fast.

    This is a long process, you lost a lot to start out with, it will all even out in the end!! And way to go on your success already!!
  • Lesley1962
    Lesley1962 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't give up. Some people after a large weight loss find that they lose weight over a couple of weeks instead of one. Perserve, and make sure you eat your allotted calories (not doing so can actually slow weight loss, as your metabolism slows down to conserve calories -your body thinks starvation is on the way!)

    I excercse every day at the gym, and although I only seem to lose a pound or two a week, my clothes, posture and general health are improved. Muscle also weighs heavier than fat...

    You are only at the beginning of your weight loss journey, so give yourself a big pat on the back for what you have achieved so far, and see what the scales show next week. Please don't weigh yourself every day -it can be rather demotivating!!

    Good luck and much sucess in the future!

    Lesley :flowerforyou:
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    Incorporate brand new workout routines and increase your intensity...your body has probably gotten used to the same patterns and doesn't feel the need to change anymore :o]