lost motivation :( :(

last january I started getting serious about my weightloss and ate 1500 calories per day plus trying to workout for 20 a day and when I weighed myself last thursday I found that I a, the same weight , I was literally CRUSHED , then I started thinking about getting my bf% which turned out to be 34 and calculating my TDEE and found that I have to eat about 1700 on days that I dont workout and on the days I workout 1900 but I already lost my motivation , my prom is in june and I wanted to look my best but I guess now is just too late :*(


  • Don't give up. Maybe you need to change up your exercise program. Do more interval type training. Also, analyze the foods that you are eating, are you getting enough fruits and veggie.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    It's never too late. Even when I haven't lost a single pound, I can feel how much better my clothes fit when I've been eating healthy & exercising.
    Taking care of yourself is for life, not one special event. Chin up. It's a great day to get out & move!
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Definitely don't think so much about weight. Your body is adjusting to the changes. When I started exercising I gained four pounds the first week. When I started weight training I gained two and they stayed around for about a month! That excess weight will vanish once your body gets a handle on things. Also - very important - watch your food amounts like a hawk. Measure if possible. It is SO easy to overestimate, and a few extra hundred calories a day is enough to stop weight loss.

    You have over three months before your prom. That's definitely enough time to see some great changes. :) you can do this, if you want to.
  • Thank you all , I was thinking today that I will alwayas stay with this fat and I have to embrace it
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    June is still quite a ways a way. If you were to adjust things so you were losing one pound a week and toning up, you would be down at least 13 pounds before prom and with the toning, that could make a HUGE difference.

    There is ZERO negative side effects to working out and eating right so it never hurts to try!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    It is never too late. And there is never a reason to quit because what's the alternative? Sitting there, in June, wondering where you would have been if you'd kept at it? The time is going to pass anyways - may as well do something with it.

    Motivation comes and goes - it's a fickle lover and you can't always rely on it. Use this time to build habits so that when motivation goes (because it will, that's normal) you'll have something to fall back on to keep you going until it kicks back in.
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    Don't give up. If I can do this, then I know you can. Stay motivated. Stay positive. Stay focus. Add me as a friend, you can't have too many friends. The journey is a long and hard at times, but keep your eye on the prize (the new you). My goal is to lose 62 lb. How ever long it takes. Eat better food choices and exercise is all it takes. Keep track of your calories and movements. It's never to late to start over...
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Share your diary and we can help. We are glad to help :)
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    We all lost motivation, but we have to keep going.
    If we are not losing, we are gaining, so do not stop.
    This is a free program, so take advantage of it.
    Give support to others and you may find support in return.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    Lost motivation? Strip downa nd stand in front off the mirror. BOOM! Motivation recaptured.

    Set back, dissappointment, frustration.... they are all to be expected. They 'try' us.

    You are young... life will teach you a LOT more about this int eh next 15 years!

    I don't stop when I am tired, frustrated, bored, etc.... I stop when i am finished.

    Time to dig deep. Get a good exercise plan, set your TDEE properly, pay attention to your macros.

    Good luck!
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    You have time. I don't want to read any talk about defeat, you have about 3 months to get back on your grind and WORK WORK WORK. Sit down make a plan and go for it. Seriously write it down. Set a goal date and start today. You don't have to lose all the weight you have planned on MFP for it to be an accomplishment. Trust me, you will feel better once you start working out,and the better you feel the better you look. Time doesn't run out, only pretty dresses and pretty shoes.
  • 30ismyyear
    30ismyyear Posts: 145 Member
    Find visual motivation things and post them everywhere. Quotes, written down goals, pictures that inspire you, clothes you want to wear. You do not have to be unhealthy for your life. IT IS HARD. But if you don't start now, think of where you will end up.