Motivational Help

I am so discouraged! I need some motivation to drop this weight. I thought seeing pictures of myself was motivation enough, but it's really not. I want to do this and I want to be dedicated, but it's so hard! Does anyone have any tips or words of encouragement? I could definitely use it right about now. :(


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Dieting can be hard if you are too strick on yourself out the bat....then you tend to not want to stick to it

    Give yourself a treat day....One day a week that you can look forward to, to be able to eat what you want.....that sometimes gives you the motivation to go through the week

  • Catdemar
    Catdemar Posts: 69 Member
    don't be so hard on yourself. Stay strong. If you keep with will happen. I have been stuck for over a month now with no los and everyday i get back on the horse and stay with it. Get as many friends as possible on you list, that is what helps me. Try to stay connected as often as possible. It will happen for you if you stay with it. Its not easy but let me tell you nothing feels better than seeing the scale go down.
  • boniekatie
    boniekatie Posts: 147
    Think about all the reasons that you want to do this. Visualize yourself being healthy and fit. See it, feel it, believe it. Learn to love yourself so that you feel that you really deserve to be healthy and happy. Pick a goal, like a 5k run or going skiing next winter and train for it. Make sure that yu are eating healthy food and not just less crap food. Find activities that you enjoy so that exercise is fun and not work.

    You are a special person and you deserve to be healthy. Your child deserves to have his mother healthy. You are intellegent, and creative. You have a plan and you can work it.

    Sit down and write a letter to your best freind who is struggling with the same problems that you are and then mail it to yourself.

    You can do this. You can get over this slump. You are worth it. You deserve it. You really do want to and you can.
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    Do it for your son :o]
  • RebeccaAnne219
    RebeccaAnne219 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks guys! I really needed the pick-me-up! :)