Looking for friends

almost a week on FP, have connected with only a few. i'm 36 in CT. I have lost a ton of weight before...about 16yrs ago. when i was 21 i was about 400lbs. lost over half of it and kept it off. in the past couple years i've regained about 30-40lbs. i've always rollercoasted with my weight and fluctuated about 20-30lbs, but i'm at a point now where i felt i was on an upward and not able to find a way to get to the downhill as i normally do. so i think i need help and motivation again. when i was 21, i had less pressures and really just rooted myself on. now older, working full time, in school full time at night, have the boys on weekends (along with my and THEIR homework and recreational activities), it's just easier to fall into a pattern of unhealthy habits. plus (and i think the women here can relate) my menstral cycle has matured and the pms symptoms are kicking my *kitten* every month. for about 2wks every month, i can literally eat a rhino and still look for more....i just have no control. so i will really need some butt kicking at that time or else i'll find myself in bed,with a pizza and the remote every night for 2wks. so please friend me and give me some tough love!!


  • flipper1997
    flipper1997 Posts: 3 Member
    I can relate to alot of what you are going through. Working full-time and raising children takes alot away from taking care of ourselves. My weight has affected me for a number of years. I dread going to social gatherings because my attitude is that I am overweight, what is the point in trying to wear something nice when I know it doesn't look good on me. My husband says he loves me whatever shape or size I am and I believe that, but that doesn't help me because it gives me no incentive to do anything about my weight. I am hoping by joining this program, I will meet people going through what I am going through so we can give eachother support and advice especially at times when we are really struggling.
  • cleoKatt
    cleoKatt Posts: 50 Member
    I think most everyone has a need sometimes for some outside encouragement & support,.... I know I do,...***add me if you like.
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    I am 21 =) I don't have any kids and I am going to school online full time. I'm not working at the moment either. BUT I have family around 400 + lbs and it kills me to see them so sad.. I wish I could give them encouragement to lose the weight. I'm not sure if one of them is ready.. One has started and it makes me happy. I'll certainly give encouragement though! =) It takes a lot to do what you've done!! If you've lost so much already then you can do this!! You are an inspiration to me already.
  • skiersteve12345
    skiersteve12345 Posts: 89 Member
    first of well done on losing a lot of weight :) i have the same problem with food, my stomach is literally like a endless pit, doesn't matter how much food/fiber i have i am never full :(
  • hollydetra
    hollydetra Posts: 50 Member
    Hi there! feel free to add me and we can connect and support each other! We can do this!