2 weeks healthy eating and gym with no progress...I QUIT!

I am a single parent of a 1 year old and a 5 year old. I pack lots of fruits and snacks each morning so can head directly to the gym with the kids and not have any excuse to stop for fast food or go home. I go to the gym and play eenie, meenie, mynie, moe each day because I have no clue what machines to do. 2 weeks and no progress whatsoever. I went to GNC and saw the total lean 25 meal replacement shakes. Will that help? What can I do? What exercises should I do? I've never had a problem losing weight in the past even without a lot of working out, what's going on?


  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    be patient.

    did you put on all the extra weight in 2 weeks? of course not. you won't lose it in 2 weeks either.

    go read Dan's Roadmap and make sure you know your correct BMR/TDEE and calorie deficit settings.


    start logging. eat less. move more. you will lose weight.

    also understand that your body is constantly doing things internally. some of those things cause it to retain water. don't obsess with your scale. weigh no more than once a week. don't confuse the 2-4 lbs of daily weight fluctuations to be fat. it's not. it's just water and food working it's way through your intestines.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Same your money. Unless you are using the shakes to meet your macros...not going to be worth it. Weight loss is eating at a caloric deficit. I'm not sure what your calorie goal is set to you, but If you want, check out this link by MFPer Heliotsdan - It'll give you a detailed walkthrough (with pictures even) on finding your TDEE and calculating what you should be eating.


    Or for a different version to figure out your TDEE, as well as some great advice...check out:

    For more information about fitness and nutrition, I highly suggest checking out and joining this group: (Read all the stickies. It's great information to know.)

    ^The group above is also a great place to learn more in regards to exercises. I would suggest including weight training into your exercise regiment.

    Also - don't rely on the scale so much. Rely more on measurements. The scale can fluctuate and not be very reliable. I've stayed the same weight since Sept - around 178-180lbs..but I've gone from a size 18 to a size 14.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I am a single parent of a 1 year old and a 5 year old. I pack lots of fruits and snacks each morning so can head directly to the gym with the kids and not have any excuse to stop for fast food or go home. I go to the gym and play eenie, meenie, mynie, moe each day because I have no clue what machines to do. 2 weeks and no progress whatsoever. I went to GNC and saw the total lean 25 meal replacement shakes. Will that help? What can I do? What exercises should I do? I've never had a problem losing weight in the past even without a lot of working out, what's going on?
    A ship without a rudder wanders aimlessly. Make plan, be specific with it, then get someone at the gym to show you how to use the machines correctly. Start with just doing one exercise x 3 sets for each body part. Next week, increase the resistance.The next week add an exercise.
    There are lots of different workouts you can do and they are FREE online.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • connie1208
    Are you lifting...i always gain weight when i lift..then weeks later i drop weight...like magic....dont quit..
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Be patient. 2 weeks seems like a long time when you're just starting out, but in the grand scheme of things it's not very long at all. You're going to have weeks where you don't lose weight. You may have weeks where you gain. If you let it discourage you every time then you're not going to get very far.

    Follow the links above, learn all you can about BMR and TDEE. Only make changes you can stick with for the rest of your life.

    And be patient. :flowerforyou:
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    You should see if someone who works at the gym could show you around and maybe give you a lifting programme or do some research online. No point using stuff at the gym and not knowing what you are doing. You could be targeting wrong areas...
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    As far as what exercises to do, don't fiddle with the weight machines just yet. Cardio is great for fat loss. Cardio would be the elliptical, the treadmill, the stairs. Look in to Couch to 5K which in just thirty minutes a day, three times a week, will take you from totally sedentary to running 3 miles straight in nine weeks. As you get further into your process, you should definitely hit the free weights. They seem intimidating but have a personal trainer walk you through proper form for deadlift, squat, bench press, overhead press, and rows. You will be a lean mean fighting machine.

    But two weeks isn't nearly enough time. Get your calories calibrated correctly and make sure you aren't undereating (a common problem). Get into a routine of cardiovascular exercise.

    Rome wasn't built in a day, and what you've done here is not "start losing weight." You've changed your lifestyle. Your new lifestyle includes healthy eating in reasonable amounts with the occasional splurge. It includes a bit of exercise a few times a week. The scale is just there as a point of reference.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I started out at 220 lbs I have 4 children, 17,14,11,7 I gave up so many times . I started over with a new mind being healthy eating right and working out 6 days a week. and doing everything in my power to stay on track. I decided not to worry about the scale I started focusing on how I feel I went by my inches and clothes. With patience and determination you can do this it might take some time and it will be hard but its worth it leave the scale alone. Do not give up you can do this
  • AmyStellaB
    AmyStellaB Posts: 7 Member
    I was the same but 6 weeks in I feel much better: problem is if you don't know what you are doing at the gym you'll get it wrong: have an induction: tell them your goals and you'll see a difference: I promise!
    Try lowering your calorie intake too x
  • Tishacb5
    Oh no!! Don't quit!! I was like you. I told myself give it a month!! Make sure you are tracking your food. Have you tried a class like zumba or aqua fit? I started that way. I so understand the whole don't no what to do @ the gym. I gave it a month, and then for every pound I lost. I tacked on another month. This was a promise I made to myself. There were days I hated the fact that I made that promise. I'm so glad it worked. I said if I don't lose 1 pound after the last day of the 30th, then I quit!! I'm 25lbs down. Some wks I don't lose, but then the nxt wk come and I do. Just push yourself, you can do! You are worth it!! you are a winner!!! win for you and your babies. I no first hand its not easy. Be patient, persistent, and most of all determination!! you got this!! plz don't quit.:smile:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    it takes more than two weeks...

    give yourself 4 to 6 weeks to adapt to the changes...then check back in ...
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    be patient.

    did you put on all the extra weight in 2 weeks? of course not. you won't lose it in 2 weeks either.

    ^^This! Stick with it & good luck!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    If you go over to SparkPeople.com and get a free account, they will generate a workout program for you, with demonstrations to view. All you have to do is fill out a questionnaire with your goals.

    Good luck and have patience!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    You didnt put on on overnight and you wont take it off over night. You also need to find another motivation besides weigh tloss. Like mine is to be a healthy old lady. If you quit forget ever losing anything.
  • Andrea_Alexis_1980
    Andrea_Alexis_1980 Posts: 122 Member
    I know how you feel i been workout out every day for the past 2 weeks and i lost nothing i'm tracking everything i eat and i don't go over my calories ...... But i do have so much more energy now and i'm losing inches , i recommend you measure yourself and every month see how many inches you lost remember muscles weigh more then fat i give up on the scale , Good luck
  • BarbaraAnn1949
    Please don't quit. It will take alittle time and finally you will see the pounds coming off. If you go to the gym you will lose inches to. I have done this for 1 year so far and have lost 55lbsand gone down4 almost 5 pants sizes. You can do it don't get discouraged. You will love how you look and feel so good about yourself.
  • skiersteve12345
    skiersteve12345 Posts: 89 Member
  • faithoverfailure
    faithoverfailure Posts: 14 Member
    You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not quit. I am starting a program online wi
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Don't quit! You have to give this time. It is a marathon not a sprint. It is a lifestyle change! Maybe this will help. Feel free to add me :)

    My firend is a trainer for sports teams and he set me up on a quick circuit last night including these things. Maybe it would help you.

    10 minutes warm up (elliptical, tredmill, rowing, jump roap)

    3 sets of 5 kettlebell/goblet squats (or with the bar)
    3 sets of 6 assisted pull ups (or unassisted if you can)
    3 sets of 5 kettlebell dead lifts (or with the bar)
    3 sets of planks 1 minutes (or as long as you can)
    3 sets of 10 dumbell press on the bench.
    (rotate by doing one set and going to the next activity until you have done it all three times)
    10 minute cool down.stretch

    I think this was really great for me as a beginer with weights. It is very important to us the proper form and less important how much weight you use. As you get stronger you will use more weight.

    Here are some vids, I cant watch them at work but they look like they describe the exercises well.




  • DizzGunner86
    I have a question. Can I lose weight on diet alone? I use the mfp and it has me eating 1270 cals a day. My bmr is 1936. Does it matter what I eat as long as I don't go over 1270 cals?