30 Day Shred Starting Today!

Hello all! I am starting 30 day shred today. I took photos but I can't figure out how to post them. I put this weight on in the last 9 months during a very stressful time and didn't even realize I was putting on weight until it was on. So off it comes. I've lost 7 lbs since Feb 1 doing an hour of cardio either on the treadmill, elliptical or doing 3-5 mile walk/jogs outdoors. I'm ready to kick it up several notches as I'm loving the adrenaline/serotonin boost and I want this extra flab off....here goes everything!


  • I started the 30 Day Shred on the 20th. I've done a few days here or there before but this will be my first time completing it. I am in the process of weaning my son from breastfeeding and have gained a few pounds. So I'm ready for them to come off also.