I lost 7 pounds the first week I dieted.... I weighed in today, the end of the second week.... I weighed in and gained a pound! I have kept my calories where they were supposed to be, and I worked out between a half hour to an hour each day, doing treadmill walking and running intervals and the track. I am soooooo upset about this that I dont even want to plug it into the MFP system. Someone please explain to me how this is possible when I go from not doing anything to working out and eating right too!!! Im sooo depressed right now.


  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Awww, the scale can be frustrating, especially when you're beginning out. There are lots of fluctuations in water retention. I don't know if you've watched biggest loser but there is always a problem on week 2. Keep on trucking, you are doing great and the scale will budge next week :flowerforyou:
  • beckbeck
    beckbeck Posts: 31
    Just hang in there and keep up the good work! From what I have read from others on here, it's most likely that your stepping up the exercise is making your muscles hold water while they repair tissue. The difference will show in a couple more weeks! :) Just keep drinking lots of water. You're doing GREAT!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I say post it. Post the gain. It's a part of being accountable for your weight loss.
    7lbs in a week is a lot. I would guess that most of it was water weight.
    I'd like to give some more suggestions but your food diary isn't public so I can't see what you've been eating.

    Just remember that you aren't going to lose 7lbs every week.
    1-2 is average.
    This is a good place to be, and you have taken the first steps, and you should be proud of that.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    What's probably happened is the first week your body shed some shock weight. But now your muscles are working regularly, and they are probably retaining some water.

    Losing weight isn't a linear equation. 7 lbs in the first week is awesome! An insane amount of wieght in one week. I'm not surprised that you gave some back. I've gain 4 lbs one week and lost 8 the next. The body does what it wants sometimes. But if you keep doing what you're doing physics will eventually take over.
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    I can identify with this - some weeks my weight doesn't do what my mind thinks it should be doing - here's what I think my body does!!
    a) I sometimes dont drink as much water as I should to compensate for the exercise/sweating I do and I see the difference on the scales (they don't do me any favours)
    b) I sometimes have a heavy carb meal the night before and that seems to reflect badly too
    c) sometimes my body does what the heck it likes!
    You can do one of many things, but I would recommend measuring yourself today and noting the figures down for waist, thighs and chest as a minimum and next time this happens, check the stats instead. Also, maybe weigh yourself again tommorrow or the day after, dont give yourself 7 days of being beat up because of it, just know you're doing the right thing, and that by going and eating a load of treats is not going to make the next visit to the scales any better. Ut's a long road to a healthier happier body (wel, for me anyway) and I figure some weeks are going to go better than others, 7lbs loss in week 1 is an amazing amount and it is certainly still amazing to lose 6lbs in 2 weeks - don't give yourself too hard a time.
  • jdejre_k
    jdejre_k Posts: 54
    There are various reasons why this may have occurred, but it is completely normal.

    The first week of a change in calories or exercise shocks the system and you tend to lose weight FAST. This is typically comprised of excess water weight.

    During the second week, your body is starting to get used to the lower calories and starts to burn the calories more efficiently. This is an attempt by your body to create homeostasis - a balance of calorie intake vs energy expended. Remember, your body doesn't want to use the fat cell reserves unless it absolutely has to, so it will try hard not to by conserving the calories that are being taken in first! This often causes either no weight loss or a slight weight gain in the second week or so... this is only temporary, but for some may last 2 - 3 weeks (sorry). If you need to, don't look at the scale for a week or two, look at your tape measure, which will tell you the truth!

    Finally, remember that there are very few of us who lose a consistent amount every week. For me, I lose a pound one week and gain a half a pound the next (especially around my "time of the month") and then lose 3 pounds the next week... that's just how it goes! Hormones, stress, sodium intake, time of day and even bowel movements can all change the number on the scale. Look at how your clothes fit and the tape measure, not the number n the scale!

  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    I say post it. Post the gain. It's a part of being accountable for your weight loss.

    I'm beginning to realize this is the essence of weight loss and maintenance. ACCOUNTABILITY!!!

    I never got on the scale because I didn't want to know the truth.
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Have you noticed any difference in inches, for example how are your jeans fitting? Sometimes the scale is a curse and it doesn't give you an accurate reading of where you are on this journey to a healthier you.

    If you've been working out then you should keep in mind that if you're building any muscle it will weigh more than fat.

    Also, how much water are you drinking every day? I often thought that I was drinking lot's but when I pay attention and measure it out I realize that it hasn't been enough for weight loss. On the days/weeks where I consciously measure it and drink 3 litres, I always see a difference on the scale. Try doing this for the next 7 days and then see what the scale has to say.

    Do not get discouraged. There are so many reasons you could have seen this fluctuation. I usually see a small weight gain right before I am about to drop down 2 lbs, our bodies are very complex!!! :smile:

    Keep up your hard work, it WILL pay off for you. Do not let this tiny insignificant pound become an obstacle, you are worth the continued effort and you WILL be successful. :flowerforyou:
  • rexrem
    rexrem Posts: 3
    don't be frustrated. you did yourself good by starting to loose weight. think of your goals and you'll get there. there will be bumps along the way but what the heck, you're going to get there. that's why i don't rely too much on the scale, i see my progress with my jeans :) and with what i feel. if it's getting loose around the waist and i feel more energetic, that's fine with me. don't lose hope! you can do it!!!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    I agree with so much that was posted here. I have gone 3 weeks with nothing and then 4 lbs is gone. It's the long term, healthy lifestyle that you need to stride for not the number on the scale. I weight myself on Friday to keep myself on track throughout the weekend and then again on Monday to encourage me though the week. This seems to work for me but my real gage is by how well I'm sleeping, how my clothes fit and my energy level.

    For me sodium=the devil LOL I keep very close watch on it in my diet

    best of luck - don't be discourage you are doing great
  • maggie80
    maggie80 Posts: 7
    I lost 2 lbs the first week, 4 lbs the second week and this week i put on 1lb. I have worked out everey day and stuck to my calories. I know in my heart that i havent ate rubbish this week. Today is the start of a new week.:flowerforyou:
  • dtraylor
    dtraylor Posts: 32
    Exactly! Don't get frustrated. Keep up the good work. It will show. Your weight will fluctuate, kinda like the market, lol. Don't worry about day to day losses or gains, but look at the overall picture a month from now. You will see real evidence fairly quickly in how the inches melt away and your clothes start to fit looser, but the added muscle tone will keep the pounds about the same. Don't worry about that. Instead focus on how you are looking/feeling better physically and mentally.
  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    I have my weigh ins on saturday am's and I was more than not wanting to get on it, I had a not so good week with the exercise and inputing my calories was lacking. I did it anyway and was surprised to see a 1lb drop. I know that I checked myself earlier this week and had put on a few from last week. I am pretty sure the lb is more than likely water weight. Sometimes its also just the need to go to the washroom that can be the difference. I try to time my weigh ins for right after I get up and before I eat my breakfast . Don't be discouraged you have plenty of support!