runner with bad knees

Do any runners have any tips or advice about bad knees?
I'm on 20 years old and running between 5-8 mile runs 2 or 3 times a week, with other exercise such as swimming on the other days.
Last year I really hurt my left knee after running a half marathon, could barely walk or even bend my knee for a while and had to completely stop everything.

Now that i'm running again its happened to the other knee?! It really is excrusiatingly painful but running is so essential to my happiness ---- im going spare!

I tried with a knee support yesterday and only managed 4.8 miles until i had to stop and couldn't physically walk home?!

Anyone? :(


  • I'm not a runner, so will be probably be howled down by diehards ... But here's my 2 cents anyway ...

    - get your feet/gait/shoes checked - go to a podiatrist or sports store that does this stuff, and make sure your shoes are appropriate for you.

    - if you swim anyway, change your running days to water-running until your knee is better - the extra resistance really works and strengthens the muscles, while takin the stress and impact off the knee

    Good luck! :smile:
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    iv bad knee's hips n ankles ! im 24 goin on 90 lol anyway I went to a proper sports shop they put me on a tredmill and recorded how I ran then played it back and were able to tell I roll my feet inwards so I got shoes with a roll bar built in and its help loads!
  • Bufite
    Bufite Posts: 55 Member
    what the others said about gait analysis and decent trainers. Also, be careful about the swimming, when I had bad knees, swimming made them worse. I have found that 2 things worked for my knees - losing a bit of weight, and taking up bikram yoga. Haven't had any knee problems in some months now, but they were really bad before.

    good luck!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    are you wearing proper shoes?
    I used to ave knee problems when i wore cheap trainers for running. then got some proper running shoes and it hasnt happened since. also try running on grass if possibly as its softer and will ease the pressure

    swimming wise my knees still hurt at times and I had problems about a year ago so just take it slow and dont strain them too much
  • Luvmyhubby222
    Luvmyhubby222 Posts: 149 Member
    STretch! Not pre-run when your muscles are "cool", but after about a half a mile. Stretch again after your cool down. ANd yes, get your gait/shoes right. :smile:
  • .... when I had bad knees, swimming made them worse. ...

    Seriously?! How?!
  • I do martial arts and mma I work in a restraunt but when my knees were bad I couldnt even run try plyometric workouts or walking lunges on days your not running and stretch after your warmup and befor your cooldown and it should help.
  • You should look into kangoo jumps!! They take 80% of the shock to your joints. Could possibly help with your knee.
  • spendsitwell
    spendsitwell Posts: 59 Member
    I had double knee surgery two years ago and it has been a long process of getting them strong again and running. I still have issues with them and pain but I wont quit. I have tried supports but it doesn't help. Finally what I found was doing the Galloway. I run for 4 minutes then walk for 1 minute. Then repeat. I have been doing this for almost 9 months now and it has helped so much. I know it is not a straight run but I am running with a little rest in between. I find it gives my knees just enough time to recover before running again. You can modify the times as needed. I ran a half marathon in November doing this and my finish time was 2:24 I was pretty happy about that. At least I am still running and that is what matters to me. Good luck.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I had a compression fracture of my left knee and messed up cartilage in my right so I didn't think running would be possible. A physio guy told me to start doing exercise to strengthen my leg muscles so my knee would have good support. I do squats and lunges religiously to build those support muscles. I have very little knee pain now when I run.
  • I had knee pain in my right knee a few years ago while training for a half. I went to a Sports Doctor. Treatment included shots, electrotherapy, and exercises. After a few weeks, I started to get pain in my left knee. The Doctor told me this was perfectly normal. Strengthening muscles and changing alignment in the right knee had caused misalignment in the left. So we started working on both knees. I would definitely recommend seeing a Doctor. Avoiding it could lead to worse injury and no running at all :(
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    It would help to know what was the issue with your other knee? Did you see an MD and do treatment or just stopped and rested?

    It's going to be hard to tell you anything without knowing more about the pain--location of it, what else it hurts to do and such. There are so many common running issues that can be treated easily, BUT I would suggest a Dr to accurately diagnose. Yes, shoes/proper fitting will help, having someone evaluate your form would also help. Proper warm up and cool down are essential and stretching after like there's no tomorrow is always a great idea (including the IT bands!) However, if your issue is due to inflammation or muscle imbalance, these are going to do much to help your injury. Get it checked and diagnoses and go from there
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    First thing is to see a doctor if the pain is as bad and constant as you say. As far as the knee support/brace, you should check out the article at Runners World, it states that they can make things worst if used for certain knee issues. Don't self diagnose, as you do not want to do further damage. Just my opinion.
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 88 Member
    The doctor / physio lady said it was 'housemaids knee' or something? A build up of fluid behind the knee cap. I have very good trainers (as far as i'm aware) but i think you're right about seeing if they're correct for me.

    Fingers crossed it can get sorted..
  • The doctor / physio lady said it was 'housemaids knee' or something? A build up of fluid behind the knee cap. I have very good trainers (as far as i'm aware) but i think you're right about seeing if they're correct for me.

    Fingers crossed it can get sorted..

    Running is a great way to screw your knees up. Maybe try a different activity to get your exercise. If not, strengthening your legs should help. Do you squat frequently and heavy?
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 88 Member
    I squat but not heavy just in a class at the gym (don't know if this counts ) we lunge too and i can deffo feel that in my knees ----