Question for women who lost about 100 pounds

Hello everyone!

I'm on this journey about 4 months now. The first month I lost 15.9 pounds, the second 9.5 pounds, the third 9 pounds and the fourth month, which is about to finish in 4 days, I've lost 5.5 pounds.

I definitely see a reduction from month to month and I've started wondering how the next months will be. Can you tell me your statistics? And how long did it take you to lost all the weight?

I know that our way of living may is different, or the age, which may change our results. I simply need some information in order to help me be patient the next months, which I know they will be tough...

Thank you in advance! :)


  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks for asking this question....

    I have been doing this now for 7 mths and lost 49lb's in 5 months for the last 2 I have stayed the same. I am doing more exercise but nothing is moving.

    I have been told to hang on in there and stick with it but sometimes it's hard when you are putting in effort and not seeing any results.

    Hope you start to lose again... and just think of how far you have come. That's all I can hang on to.
  • anastb
    anastb Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for asking this question....

    I have been doing this now for 7 mths and lost 49lb's in 5 months for the last 2 I have stayed the same. I am doing more exercise but nothing is moving.

    I have been told to hang on in there and stick with it but sometimes it's hard when you are putting in effort and not seeing any results.

    Hope you start to lose again... and just think of how far you have come. That's all I can hang on to.

    You are welcome!
    It's definitely worth it to stick on our diet! I've never thought to quit...I just need a schedule... even if it's one pound/month I need to know if that's normal... :S
    I hope we have some answers...
    Good luck to your weight loss! :)
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    From what I understand, it's very normal to have a higher weight loss at the beginning, and then it begins to level off. I agree - it's hard to stick to it when you're putting in a lot of effort, but there are healthy changes happening even if it doesn't appear on the scale. My heart is healthier because my resting heart rate is lower, my blood pressure is lower, I'm off any diabetic meds, I can breathe easier, and I just feel better, but the scale has hardly budged in the last few weeks.

    For me, this is exactly why anything I do with both diet and exercise has to be sustainable because they're changes I've made for life, not just for a "diet".

    A healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. But it's also normal to not lose anything for a while, but then lose a few pounds in a week. Keep at it - you're doing great!

    I always have to remind myself:
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    I am down about 95 pounds from my highest recorded weight. (My actual highest weight..who knows what it was. I never bothered checking.) This part of my journey has been almost exactly a year now. I am down about 60 pounds. The other 35 ish pounds I lost were in 2005 and took me a year and a half because I didn't have the discipline and also wasn't exercising....
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Totally normal. I love that success graph visual. In my experience, especially this past year as I get ever close to goal, it's totally true. This also might help you:

    Here is a great guideline for setting weekly weight loss goals:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    Looks like you're in the 25-40 range (according to the ticker on your profile) so I'd say expecting anything more than 1 pound per week would be too high of an expectation. Hell, once I got down to needing to lose 20 pounds, I was lucky if I lose 1 pound a month! Then again, I'm not 100% consistent with my food habits (vacations, dinners out, etc) so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.

    IMHO, it's better to set goals that are non weight loss related so that you don't get to these points where you're concerned with how it's going and maybe not reaching a goal and getting disenchanted becuase you think you're working so hard and not getting results.. Instead focus on increasing the healthiness of your food choices and set some fitness goals and the weight loss should follow. Also, take body measurements and pay attention to how your clothes are fitting. Especially as you get closer to goal, the scale may not show much of a loss but your body may still be shrinking.

    One more point - especially to help with the poster who replied first - when you workout, you tend to retain water, especially if you're sore. Your muscles get small tears and will retain water as part of the healing process. It's pretty much the same process as when you sprain your ankle and it swells, only it's not as visible. This means your weight loss may stall or slow when you start to exercise. Keep at it, increase your water intake and make sure you're eating back at least some of your exercise calories so you're not creating too high of a deficit.

    Good luck!
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I lost 30 lbs. from the time I got pregnant until right after delivery....but the majority of my weight loss has been since August 2012, I have lost 70 lbs. since then. It was MUCH faster loss at the beginning, and has slowed down some. I think our bodies def. get used to things, so I have "changed it up" a few times. Good luck to you!! :)
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    You are welcome!
    It's definitely worth it to stick on our diet! I've never thought to quit...I just need a schedule... even if it's one pound/month I need to know if that's normal... :S
    I hope we have some answers...
    Good luck to your weight loss! :)

    You will have weeks where you lose. You might have weeks where you gain. You will eventually hit a plateau and will have weeks where you stay the same. I've had weeks where I've lost 4 pounds or more. I've had weeks where I've either maintained, or lost very little (say, 0.4 lb). I've had a couple times where I've gained a little, though thank G-d not more than 2 lbs.

    Basically, all I can say is that what your body does is normal FOR YOU. When you happen to slow or hit a plateau, consider all your circumstances. Have you been strength training more? Toning more? You might be gaining muscle mass, which might increase your weight, but is not a gain from fat and not really a plateau. Is it a plateau? Re-evaluate your caloric intake...both amount and ytype. Mix your exercise around...your body will get used to the "same old thing" and you won't burn as many calories until your body starts doing something physically new.

    I hope this helps.... :)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I lost 95 lbs over a two year period. So about 1# per week on average. There were lots of plateaus. But my BF% was still high when I was done because I lost TONS of muscle since about all I did was cardio. I gained weight putting muscle back on, now I'm trying to push that BF% lower, finally, as soon as I recover from surgery enough to strength train again.
  • witchiipooh
    witchiipooh Posts: 42 Member
    I've lost about 125 lbs, and it honestly took me about 2 years. But I fell off the wagons a few times, it all depends on how much you are really willing to put into this. I can tell you that my 125 lbs really wasn't as hard as this last 20 I am trying to lose, I haven't lost anything in over a month, so just remember to keep shaking things up...
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    I've lost 90 pounds. My weight loss averaged to 5 pounds per month.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    This month makes one year for me and I had lost 96lbs (Back sprain caused a teporary weight gain) besides that I have lost 7-10lbs every month.When I weighed myself every week it fluctuated from 1-2 lbs one week and .5lb-0 another. I have had to change up my exercise routine and foods every two weeks to keep a steady weight loss.I now weigh myself once a month to not go crazy and focus on my health.
    The most important thing is to not give up and be honest with yourself.Like they say "What you eat in private, you wear in public."
    That is the truth!

    Best of luck doll!!
  • mimacarol
    mimacarol Posts: 2 Member
    I love --What Success REALLY looks like!!
    So true!!
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    Here is my weight log copied and pasted off of my profile. I weighed in pretty much every four weeks. It obviously goes from most recent to oldest. I have definitely seen a slow down in my weight loss over time. I actually started my weight loss journey on March 1st, 2012 but didn't start with MyFitnessPal till the 8th. I have had my body fat percentage checked and I am in the normal range, but for myself I would like to get down into the "fitness" range and into the normal BMI (I know the BMI is not the most accurate thing to go by, but since I have been aware of it I have NEVER been in the normal range, and I just really want to get there). I'm thinking I still need to lose around 18 pounds of fat to do it, but we will see. I am not expecting to get there in any amount of a hurry.

    02/08/13 153.2

    01/31/13 156.2

    01/28/13 156.2

    01/08/13 156.2

    12/07/12 157.6

    11/15/12 160.6

    10/18/12 167

    09/21/12 174.8

    08/23/12 182.4

    07/25/12 188.9

    06/27/12 201.3

    05/30/12 214.7

    05/02/12 231

    04/04/12 242

    03/08/12 258.4
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    I lost 100 pounds in a year. I lost 30 in the next year, but I was dragging my feet. I've lost 8 so far this year.
  • funsmile1234
    funsmile1234 Posts: 83 Member
    I lost 100 lbs in about 11 months. I started off weighing 368 lbs and lost a lot in the beginning and now have tapered down to about 1-2 lbs a week. Which is ideal. I have had stagnant times where I didn't lose any weight or lost less than a pound and I just increased my level of activity. Then the weight started to drop off more steadily. Plus for me eating whole and healthy all the time makes a big difference.
  • anastb
    anastb Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all!!! You helped me a lot!! :)