How often do you weigh in?

gorefan82 Posts: 44 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I was always told to weigh in no more than once a week and to weigh in on the same day and about the same time each week.
I usually weigh in first thing Saturday when I wake up. Seems to be working for me so far.
Should I do it every few weeks or should I keep doing it weekly?
What does everyone else do?


  • onyxlibra7
    onyxlibra7 Posts: 93
    I think, for most, it depends on how crazy the scale makes u. For drives me But right now I'm weighing in once a week. I don't own a scale bc I'd probably weigh in more. I may start doing it every other week so I can focus moreso on the lifestyle and the way my clothes fit opposed to the numbers. If once a week is working 4 you I say stick with it! =D
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    once a week.


    because its enough that your already in your head about your macros. Imagine if you had a + gain. Do you think that would impact your diet/macros throughout the week. Fact is there may be days you'll carry more water than another, which will obviously have an effect of your weight.

    My opinion and thoughts are to once a week. Realize that your number each week will be a direct result of what you did or didn't do the past 7 days. This allows me to stay motivated, and tweak any changes to my diet. And if after the first 4 weeks, when your weight plateus. Do yourself a favor, and instead of dropping calories eaten, add another 200 cals a day...........and be amazed!!
  • gorefan82
    gorefan82 Posts: 44 Member
    I agree. It keeps me motivated and on track when I weigh in once a week.
  • Happyguy
    Happyguy Posts: 90 Member
    I weigh in every day but I try not to pay a lot of attention to the day to day fluctuations in weight. On Friday or Saturday I calculate the average of the weeks weigh-ins and that is what I go by.
  • agonzalezu
    agonzalezu Posts: 1
    Every 3 weeks, I check every da what I eat and have been loosing weight during 15 weeks in a row, well, wiehghting in ever 3 weeks. I prefer it that way, don't want to be obssesed about weight, just watch what and wat not to eat.
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I record my weight on here every Wednesday, but I admit it, I do peak every morning to see how I'm doing.
  • JoJo_69
    JoJo_69 Posts: 47
    I weigh in once a week too, on a Wednesday is my weigh in day:smile: that way if I had a heavy weekend I got 2 days to do something about it :laugh:
  • Trish02
    Trish02 Posts: 25
    I weighed in once a week but lately I'm doing it bi-weekly or more I keep my scale at a friend's house to keep me from being obsessed. And it works for me and I am happy of the changes. :bigsmile:
  • JoThrive
    JoThrive Posts: 4
    I weigh daily, but I am 'maintaining' and daily weighing helps keep me honest and on track.

    If the scale messes with your head, get rid of the silly thing. Don't let a scale rule your life. It is just a tool, like the tape measure. How clothes fit is a better measure of success than a scale is.
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