Living on the road

My fiancé has a job travelling and he asked me at the beginning of last year to start travelling with him. I've been trying to lose weight and lately he's been feeling like he should too (although he is 6'5 and a stick figure I wouldn't mind him trying to eat healthier).

The problem is, we live out of suitcases in hotels. More often than not we don't even have a fridge. Some days we are in the truck for hours and only stop at fuel stations once every four hours.

When we do have the opportunity, we cook on our NuWave Induction Cooktop... which is nice. My question is, does anyone have any suggestions for when we are forced to eat at Truck Stops and there aren't any super healthy options?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    You're just going to have to plan ahead and hit the grocery store when needed. You have room for a cooler in the truck, right?
  • swt228hrt
    Not in the truck, but we do have one on the back haha. He doesn't have a sleeper cab truck, hence the hotels. It's also extremely hard to plan ahead as most of the time he doesn't know where he is going until the day before or the day of travel. I try to keep healthy options in the truck that don't need to be refrigerated or microwaved, but I'm running short on ideas.