Need motivation..

I have 150 pounds to lose and I have lost all motivation!!!!


  • rougecrayon
    Why do you want to lose weight?
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Think how good you'll feel this time next year if you start today :smile:
  • QueenStephanie
    QueenStephanie Posts: 32 Member
    Because its ruining my life! And I want to have babies and cant at the weight I am at..... And I just want to be able to shop for clothes whenever and just run around when needed etc :)
  • QueenStephanie
    QueenStephanie Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah I will feel amazing!!!! I just did so well for the month of January was drinking over 1L of energy drinks before that but I have stopped that now... but I have just got lazy with my eating and my exercise.... :( I can fix the eating but the exercise I really struggle with!
  • rougecrayon
    You just told me your motivation, and it sounds like great motivation!!

    Not only do you want kids, but you probably want to model a healthy lifestyle for them!

    Carrying around extra weight is HARDER than the work you need to do to get rid of it!

    Focus on Nutrition, and do as much activity as you can without hurting yourself, or taking over your life! Others have done it! You CAN do it!
  • QueenStephanie
    QueenStephanie Posts: 32 Member
    Lol yeah true. I have heaps of motivation but I have lost the desire to do it... It seems impossible and its so easy to make bad choices!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    when you don't think you have any motivation just remember why you want to lose, have babies and be healthy for yourself and them
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Because its ruining my life! And I want to have babies and cant at the weight I am at..... And I just want to be able to shop for clothes whenever and just run around when needed etc :)

    All good reasons, besides general health. Keep these in mind, post them on fridge and other places, and you can't get there if you don't begin. Today is as good a day as any. Good luck.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member

    Sorry it's image heavy, but this is the kind of stuff that motivates me!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Lol yeah true. I have heaps of motivation but I have lost the desire to do it... It seems impossible and its so easy to make bad choices!

    go look at the pictures on the success stories page. That always helps motive me. At the end of the day STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND JUST DO IT.
  • QueenStephanie
    QueenStephanie Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks! Yeah I like the saying " your still lapping everybody on the couch " Well I have logged breakfast thats better than I have done all month so thats a start!
  • QueenStephanie
    QueenStephanie Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks yeah I LOVE the success stories!!! :)
  • rougecrayon
    I struggle with exercise too...
    I started walking for 15 minutes a day, 20 minutes a day etc. etc. I am at 45 minutes a day, and it has actually improved my cardio like tenfold!

    So WALK EVERY DAY! It becomes a nice habit.

    Also, focus on getting 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, instead of going to the gym for a full hour. Doing 30 seconds of burpees, and 30 seconds of pushups. An hour later, run up the stairs for 5 minutes. An hour later, jump rope for 5 minutes.

    Make goals, and set non food rewards (At my goal waist measurment, I'm buying a new bathing suit... at my first 25 floor stair run test, I'm buying new hiking boots! etc.) I have a few rewards for each goal

    5lbs lost - massage
    10lbs lost - New hat

    Etc... fill in what makes you happy!
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    Nice pix, KHall.

    Queen Stephanie, those babies will need a lot of your energy!!
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    When I need motivation I look at the success stories. And, a MFP friend suggested some short term goals and I love that idea. It can be so daunting to think of having to lose a large amount of weight. But, if you just think about every day (or even every meal), and every workout...even if it's a walk around the block, you might find some motivation. Don't get discouraged. There are lots of people here who have been exactly where you are. You can do this!!!
  • mininipuce
    mininipuce Posts: 50 Member
    Take your measurements! You'll see change even when the scale desn't move!
  • QueenStephanie
    QueenStephanie Posts: 32 Member
    If I eat healthy the scale moves anyway without measurements lol... I just have stopped doing the best I can this month,,,,, I lost 5kg in Jan and that was not to hard but Feb has being a write off!!!
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I struggle with the same issues. I have a lot to lose as well, and the past few weeks, I have been so lazy, I havent lost anything in a while, but just keep at it.

    Feel free to add me if you need someone to talk to. I know it's so hard, but it will be so worth it in the end, when you can finally come on here and post your own success story!!!

    So many people have benefited from this site, I read the success stories everyday, and now, before I eat something, I think about this site, and if that junk is really worth it to me in the long run!

    I decided as of yesterday to get back into this, and be serious about the change. Dont think of it like a diet, think of it like a change in your want motivation, look inside, because you're the only one who can do this for you.

    Good luck!
  • rougecrayon
    Put that behind you. Yesterday has no effect on the choices you make today.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    A friend shared this quote with me a few days ago: Motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing. That's why we need to repeat both daily.

    Figure out what you reeeeeally want. Write it down, and explain to yourself why you want it. Create a pinterest or collage that has images that inspire you and reflect what your completed goal will look like. Then, carve out a plan to get yourself there. List the things you're already doing right, the things you need to do more of, and the things you want to change. Then go for it! Little steps, little changes, repeated over and over.

    When your energy and motivation start waning, it's time to revisit your list of reasons and your motivation. If they no longer motivate you, it's time to reassess!