What was something bad for you that you resisted today??



  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    On Saturdays, and friend and I cook / sell food for our concession stand for a local auctioneer. So, I resisted:

    Biscuits 'n gravy
    BBQ Pork
    Sloppy Joes
    Hot Dogs
    Snickerdoodles / Choc No Bakes / Choc Chip cookies
    Soda Pop (reg & diet)

    And, I even have some leftover cookies in the fridge (saving them for an office treat Tuesday)

    Wow - now that I write all that down, I guess I'm stronger than I thought!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Yesterday I only ate 2 cheddar bay biscuits at Red Lobster. So technically I didn't resist, but 2 is much better than eating 2 baskets full like I normally would. I also resisted the baked potato and got broccoli with my tilapia.
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270

    I have now not had pizza for over a month, it was my regular (as clockwork) Sunday (and sometimes saturday as well) treat. I did love my pizza, Large chicken Sweetcorn and Mushroom pizza with sides of chicken dippers and garlic bread.

    And I wonder how I got in my present condition :p

    Anyway. I don't even crave it, about to make myself a healthy tuna/pasta instead.
  • marvey1214
    marvey1214 Posts: 7

    In my country, we usually have rice as our main food in each meal. Since I've started my diet program., I cut rice and eat oatmeal instead in breakfast and dinner.

    This night, I've resisted chicken nugget, usually I would automatically eat a couple of those, but now I was able to say no.

    Definitely a good start.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    It's my TOM & I was really craving something sweet last night. I wanted a Coffee Toffee Twisty Frosty from Wendy's. :embarassed: