3 pounds in 2 months...?

So Ive been at this since the beginning of January, and I just completed 30 days of the 30 day shred and Ive only lost 3 pounds. I cant figure out why it is going so slow. Everyday when I complete food entry it says that I should be losing more than I am. Any tips?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It's really tough to say without seeing your diary or knowing more details about your routine.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You are eating a very small caloric deficit. Eat fewer calories.
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    I too did 30 day shred, I lost 2 lbs but gained it back this week.
    You need to open your diary and then we can help. feel free to friend me
    Im currently doing Chalean extreme
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Have you taken any measurements? How much are you trying to lose?
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    That's just under a pound a week. Nothing wrong with that :wink:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    That's just under a pound a week. Nothing wrong with that :wink:

    It's less than half a pound a week. Not bad, but not nearly as much as reasonably possible with just a slightly larger deficit.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    If you open your diary we can take a look.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Ive lost five pounds since January the second. I took measurements and pics when I started and Im thankful for this. Such a difference in photos and measurement wise.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    When did you start exercising?
  • MJackson54
    WOW! That's GREAT! You lost weight! How about changing your view to the positive? The slower you lose it . . . the more probability you will keep it off. Just keep making some lifestyle changes and don't get caught up in the numbers! Good Luck.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    WOW! That's GREAT! You lost weight! How about changing your view to the positive? The slower you lose it . . . the more probability you will keep it off. Just keep making some lifestyle changes and don't get caught up in the numbers! Good Luck.

    Some days I say to myself, "At least I haven't gained weight" .
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Muscles store water and sugar (glycogen) for the sake of muscle repair. It's temporary.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    1- yes it is hard to give any answers without looking into your diary.
    2- did you take measuements and/or pic<<<these will tell the truth when scale is telling all
    3- lot of folks I know lost inches instead of pound while doing the 30 day shred.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Did you measure before you started and then after you finished the 30 DS?? I hear people lose lots of inches, normally not many lbs. They tone up instead of lose lbs.
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    30DS is only about a 20 minute workout. In that time you probably burn a few hundred calories. So if you started doing it about 7 weeks ago you would have burned about 10,000 calories which is about 3 pounds. So you are actually probably on track.
  • nataliecarter28
    nataliecarter28 Posts: 54 Member
    Ok thanks everybody. I thought my diary was open, but I just changed it. I guess 3 pounds in 2 months isnt too bad, I was just expecting it to come off easier than it has.
  • country012
    country012 Posts: 5 Member
    What you also wanna do is take measurements of body parts. You may not drop weight quickly but will see changes in areas of the body first
  • zhvah18
    zhvah18 Posts: 158 Member
    WOW! That's GREAT! You lost weight! How about changing your view to the positive? The slower you lose it . . . the more probability you will keep it off. Just keep making some lifestyle changes and don't get caught up in the numbers! Good Luck.

    Some days I say to myself, "At least I haven't gained weight" .

    This ^
    3 lbs in 2 months isn't bad at all. If you're losing, you're doing something right.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Ok thanks everybody. I thought my diary was open, but I just changed it. I guess 3 pounds in 2 months isnt too bad, I was just expecting it to come off easier than it has.

    I see you blowing past your calorie goal regularly.

    It will come off much more easily if you stick to your calorie goal. If you go over it often, then it won't be coming off.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    I looked at your diary, and from what i can glean you seem to go over your calories often and you tend to go over in sodium and carbohydrates. that could be slowing you down. try to limit your carbs, sugar especially, and sodium and do a few weeks where you stay under your calorie goal each day and see how that works for you.