What do you do when you're sick??

I have an incredibly weak stomach - my spouse and I can go out and eat the same thing; I will get sick, he doesn't. I have been like this since I was a child.

This weekend I have been sick and not keeping anything in. Of course it is the ideal weight loss plan because you lose it so quickly albeit not healthy.

I try water, I drink regular gingerale and usually go with clear broth soups, noodles and crackers.

I don't even know how to begin tracking what I eat when this happens. Even as I type this the thought of food is making me ill. Tips and tricks for the ever queasy stomach and how to get calories in that stay in would be awesome.


  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I have an incredibly weak stomach - my spouse and I can go out and eat the same thing; I will get sick, he doesn't. I have been like this since I was a child.

    This weekend I have been sick and not keeping anything in. Of course it is the ideal weight loss plan because you lose it so quickly albeit not healthy.

    I try water, I drink regular gingerale and usually go with clear broth soups, noodles and crackers.

    I don't even know how to begin tracking what I eat when this happens. Even as I type this the thought of food is making me ill. Tips and tricks for the ever queasy stomach and how to get calories in that stay in would be awesome.

    If its lasted longer than two days I go to the doctor. Sometimes you need to be prescribed medication
  • Have you been to a GI doctor about this? I only ask because I went to one this year for stomach issues that I thought was due to food and/or infection. Turns out I did have a nice fungal infection in my gut (thank you antibiotics - NOT) and the doc made me go for a colonoscopy. There she found colitis, although the biopsy showed no long term colitis so it's not a chronic thing, Point is, there was something wrong and she put me on a special diet to calm things down. Not a shocking diet, but she went over certain foods I should have and what I shouldn't have, and to eat this way for awhile until things calm down. The other shocker was four polyps (benign, thankfully) so I have to thank that fungal infection and colitis.

    Now to your question. Track it all. You obviously won't be on tract with your macros, but all that stuff has calories. When I did my colonoscopy prep diet I was shocked with how many calories I ended up having.
  • Avanabanana
    Avanabanana Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, Ladies.

    I have had all the fun scopes! I have given samples of everything! I have monthly blood tests. Nada.

    Apparently I have a weak stomach and an over-active GI.

    Just want to make sure I am not doing something wrong when it comes to my diet. And when those of you are stuck in the same situation what you do.

    Do you eat a higher caloric intake to make up for lack of nutrients being absorbed?
  • That's actually a really interesting question. I would probably speak to a registered dietician and ask for legitimate advice on what to do as far as nutrients. It might be as simple as different supplements or a special diet. I'm actually surprised your GI didn't speak to you about it. I know going to an RD will be a bit expensive, but even if your insurance doesn't cover it, it will be worth the visit, and I would go only once to get real information. And of course if you do go, let us know what s/he says please.