Christmas Fitness Challenge Check-in - December 3

NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
edited November 2023 in Challenges
Another Monday! Another week closer to Christmas and meeting our goals! YOU can do this! Stay focused and remember the success you have had thus far. It can only get better, right?!

Yesterday, during the day, I lifted my hand weights while I watched tv and rested my ankle. Then during the Amazing Race I went ahead and rode my bike at high intensity for 45 min. Hubby brought me a Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino that I had to work off! :drinker:

+++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! :flowerforyou:

PS Arianne ~ I really don't do much for relief of my ankle except Aleve when it's so bad I have to crawl to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I have NO cartilage in my left ankle so it hurts all the time, just a whole lot more when I'm on it for an extended time. Something about grinding bone on bone doesn't lend itself to feeling good. Wrapping it tends to send the swelling up in to my calf and knee which then just spreads the pain around. :frown: Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I wish they could make it feel all better!


  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Another Monday! Another week closer to Christmas and meeting our goals! YOU can do this! Stay focused and remember the success you have had thus far. It can only get better, right?!

    Yesterday, during the day, I lifted my hand weights while I watched tv and rested my ankle. Then during the Amazing Race I went ahead and rode my bike at high intensity for 45 min. Hubby brought me a Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino that I had to work off! :drinker:

    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! :flowerforyou:

    PS Arianne ~ I really don't do much for relief of my ankle except Aleve when it's so bad I have to crawl to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I have NO cartilage in my left ankle so it hurts all the time, just a whole lot more when I'm on it for an extended time. Something about grinding bone on bone doesn't lend itself to feeling good. Wrapping it tends to send the swelling up in to my calf and knee which then just spreads the pain around. :frown: Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I wish they could make it feel all better!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I weighed in this morning and I might be down 1.5 lbs this week. I'll check tomorrow just to make sure. This is incredible for me. I'm a .5 lb a week person and hadn't been losing in a few weeks. Maybe it was the Belgium chocolates I ate on Saturday? Alright, it was probably exercising harder.

    Yesterday I did 40 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the weights. I must have done well on the chest press as my underarms are sore today. Oddly enough, one of my goals is to have beautiful delts (everyone has their thing) and I hardly do anything for my shoulders. I go to an all women's gym (not curves or any national chain), so maybe that's why there isn't a military press. I should buy some weights so I can do mini-workouts at home on my arms.

    Today, I'm teaching yoga. I count it the same as going to yoga class, though I don't know if I should. I think the yoga calories are a little low anyway. Stretching and yoga are not the same, but I haven't seen it count for more calories on any other web site either. My yoga is closer to Tai Chi in activity level, but every yoga is different. Maybe I'll make the class really hard and count it as Tai Chi - you can do that when your the teacher you know :laugh:
  • yuna2003
    yuna2003 Posts: 35 Member
    :laugh: MarryWillDiet I really like your Humor!
    Your one funny kitten:bigsmile: and congrats on the weight loss ! i just recently started and i have lost 6lbs so far:blushing: and im so happy! i feel great and my mom keeps complementing me:bigsmile:
    haha only like 60 lbs to go! any way yesterday i did nothing...:cry: only stairs for like 10 min. but today is a new day and my goal is 30 min jump rope fast pace :smile: ok guys thanks so much for all the support I love you guys! & Keep it Up Everyone!!!:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    That's my little Gwen kitty. I have 4 others that you'll see too.

    30 minutes jumping rope :noway: - take it easy on the knees there - are you doing the skipping one or the jumping one? If you want to do something that's free, try marching in place in front of the tube for 30 minutes. Lift your knees as high as you can. It's harder than it sounds.

    You did the stairs -- something is always better than nothing - that what counts.
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    This morning I did 45 minutes on the stair tread machine that moves like an escalator. I lovingly refer to it as the "beast". I averaged level 6, so I was really happy with that. It said I burned 449 calories. Afterward I did about 25 minutes of weight training. I have a 1 hr spinning class tonight, too, so I'm definitely getting my cardio in for today! I have a big holiday party on Saturday, so I'm trying really hard to have a good week.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    This morning I did my boot camp workout with my trainer and team. Burned 801 calories and stayed in my training zone (heart rate) for almost the full time!! I'm really proud of that last part. This week I'm down another 4 lbs. I am now the lightest I've been since high school (I was chubby in high school:tongue: ). Down a total of 13.8 lbs as of today.
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Yipee! I actually got in the weight room today (my husband is asst. track coach so I snuck in with the team). Did mod weight, high reps and felt great (about 30 min for total body).

    Niccole, no worries, their is no "right" tx, you obviously have done a lot more damage than a quick post can address! :bigsmile:
    p.s The wrap pushing the swelling into the lower leg is exactly the response you hope for, you typically have greater circulation there rather than in the foot, so it mobilizes it which improves the healing process. Have you done any rehab on it? Hope it feels better soon. :smile:
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I am down 13 pounds since last Wednesday. It was fluid….LOTS of fluid. I was so puffy and swollen when I left the hospital it wasn’t even funny. I am very happy my body is adjusting and appears to be trying to get back to normal….well….at least normal for me anyway.
    Hopefully by our TOPS weigh-in this coming Friday I will be down a little more. It would be really nice to show a loss on my official chart for a change.
    As for the exercise….so far there is none. Yesterday I was doing really well then by the time I was finished cooking I felt really badly. I mostly sat around after that then went to bed and watched a movie. Today has been a good day and I fell much better….but I didn’t push it and take a chance of feeling bad again today….so I took it easy today and did nothing. Tomorrow is a new day and I am planning on having a really good day tomorrow…… :smile:

    Niccole ~ Take care of that ankle. I hope it is better soon. :flowerforyou: