Do you eat after 6pm?



  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    You have 28 lbs to lose, and you have a pretty large deficit, if your diary is accurate. You don't need that big of a deficit at this point. Try eating more food and don't worry about what time it is, as long as you're staying within your calories.

    ETA this link. Please read it.

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    The rule of thumb is to try not to eat 3 hours before you go to sleep. That way you have given your body a chance to digest your food... if you eat right before you go to bed, there is no where for that energy to be used, so it will be stored (fat)... also you won't get as good night rest when your stomache is busy trying to digest a meal.
    If I'm eating at a deficit, and there is "extra" energy from the meal before I went to bed that gets stored as fat, then clearly I must have pulled other (non-eaten) energy from my stores earlier in the day in order to keep my body running.
  • I think aiming not to eat after 7pm is a good goal. I agree with some other comments to your post saying to watch what you eat versus when. Try to add more whole/real foods versus processed foods. Processed foods really make me hold onto weight (I think due to the sodium content and the empty calories in the fake food!). Real fruits, veggies, lean meats and good carbs will really change your world.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Here's another link that should help you, also. I noticed the fruit you did log was by size and not weight.
  • houlenberg
    houlenberg Posts: 107 Member
    Calories in vs. calories out is how you lose weight. Your body doesn't care what time it is and your metabolism doesn't come to a screeching halt at 6pm or even when you're sleeping. The only reason I would give for stopping eating several hours before bed is if you have GERD. Other than that, eat the right foods, exercise, and you'll be fine.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I do and always have. I don't believe in that myth.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I eat supper most nights at 8pm or later....I lost 80 lbs. this way....if you are hungry, eat!
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    I'll play devils advocate here and say I have also noticed I lose weight when I eat my last meal earlier. However I think it has a lot to do with having more hours between meals since I do intermittent fasting anyway. I also weigh first thing in the morning and I think it has a lot to do with being empty and void of food in the morning and having longer to digest makes my scale go down further.

    If it works for you, do it.
  • Not only do I eat after 6, but it's never anything light or healthy! :frown:
    Enter; cookies, brownies; brookies; soda; and more sweet bread! ><
    I'm embarrassed just typing it. If anything has been holding my weight loss back,
    that is my culprit.
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    I believe Jill
  • Dan4495
    Dan4495 Posts: 130 Member
    I don't dispute the advice many are giving you that it doesn't matter when the calories are consumed, it is simply "calories consumed vs calories burned". However, if one goes many hours without taking in any calories, blood glucose levels drop to the point that one may feel ravaged with hunger, and may binge as a result. The focus on breakfast is on the very definition of the meal "break---fast". It is an important meal for that reason that it breaks the fast of the night at sleep.

    My point is WHEN you eat may not be a factor in the calculation, but it can impact the calories you consume. As long a you can avoid binging to the point of over-eating, I agree with the posters that say it doesn't matter when you eat. But if you are like many of us, you find the temptation is greater the longer you deprive yourself o food, and thus the greater the tendency to binge.
  • Ryanmariem
    Ryanmariem Posts: 46 Member
    I find that if I eat after 7pm my body retains extra pounds for the next 2 weeks


    What do you mean no???

    That is what my scale shows me.I'm trying to work out all the factors that lead to this.

    It does not matter if you eat after 6pm... the key is not to eat right before you go to should wait 2-3hrs after you dinner before bed.

    Also what kind of calories you are putting in make a huge difference. You want to go for more whole fresh food, try to stay away from the processed packaged food that is loaded w/persvatives. Our food is our fuel and if we are putting in bad fuel well we won't get the same results.

    Foods in the low glycemic index and making sure to get enough protein will fill you up for longer. If you are working out in the gym it is important to eat some protien when you are done, even if it is just a glass of milk it is better than nothing.

    Mostly no to this as well.

    I refer you to the book "Blood Sugar Solution" by, Dr. Mark Hyman and "The Calcium Lie," by Dr. Robert Thompson, "Weight Training for Life", by Hesson, "Thyroid Diet" by Mary Shomom, etc... not to mention any number of nutritional information that is available online, it does not take much to verify resources and check out results.

    The type of calories consumed does matter as well as how much and when. It also differs w/each individual at what is most optimal. That is why there is no one "diet" plan that works for everyone. However given this there are some basic universal rules that always apply. Eat Healthy Whole Natural Foods, Watch Portion Sizes, Excercise, Drink Water, Get Enough Sleep.... one you through one of these off, you through the whole system off.
  • skiersteve12345
    skiersteve12345 Posts: 89 Member
    I eat 3500 calories a day and don't star eating til 7pm lol
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I have to eat late work doesnt seem to change much
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I find that if I eat after 7pm my body retains extra pounds for the next 2 weeks


    What do you mean no???

    That is what my scale shows me.I'm trying to work out all the factors that lead to this.

    It does not matter if you eat after 6pm... the key is not to eat right before you go to should wait 2-3hrs after you dinner before bed.

    Also what kind of calories you are putting in make a huge difference. You want to go for more whole fresh food, try to stay away from the processed packaged food that is loaded w/persvatives. Our food is our fuel and if we are putting in bad fuel well we won't get the same results.

    Foods in the low glycemic index and making sure to get enough protein will fill you up for longer. If you are working out in the gym it is important to eat some protien when you are done, even if it is just a glass of milk it is better than nothing.

    Mostly no to this as well.

    I refer you to the book "Blood Sugar Solution" by, Dr. Mark Hyman and "The Calcium Lie," by Dr. Robert Thompson, "Weight Training for Life", by Hesson, "Thyroid Diet" by Mary Shomom, etc... not to mention any number of nutritional information that is available online, it does not take much to verify resources and check out results.

    The type of calories consumed does matter as well as how much and when. It also differs w/each individual at what is most optimal. That is why there is no one "diet" plan that works for everyone. However given this there are some basic universal rules that always apply. Eat Healthy Whole Natural Foods, Watch Portion Sizes, Excercise, Drink Water, Get Enough Sleep.... one you through one of these off, you through the whole system off.

    As I do not have these books...what do they say is wrong with eating within 2-3 hours of going to bed?
  • I eat my last meal straight before I get to bed. It doesn't matter WHEN you eat, it's all about WHAT you eat. Carbs retain water so if you load up on those, you'll add some waterweight. It is not possible for a body to put on pounds of fat overnight. Eat clean & smart, train hard and you'll get the results you work for. As simple as that. Lots of luck.
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    Around the clock.

    Try oatmeal as slow release food in the morning.
    I have bounce balls for 5pm wobbles - full of protein filling and 150-200 calories
    Avoid indigestible foods in the evening.

    Maybe time to up the exercise.

    There is a almost perfect correlation between eating less and exercising more and weight loss that is the basis of this site.

    Good luck
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    The response I see on other threads of this same subject is that it isn't that you necessarily stop eating after a certain time, its that because you don't eat after a certain time you eat less calories for that day and that is why you lose weight.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I eat dinner after 6 pm almost every night. Usually have a snack somewhere between 10 pm and midnight too. In fact, I'd say that I usually take in somewhere between 800-1200 calories every night after 6:00 pm. Hasn't affected my weight loss in the least.

    Meal timing is completely irrelevant, regardless of what the crackpot quacks have to say about it - they're looking for a way to sell their books/products. If you're maintaining a caloric deficit, it doesn't matter.