
Hey Everyone!

I need some motivation and answers about self sabotaging my weight loss efforts. I am about 5'2" and have about 5 pounds to lose in order to meet goal. I have been this close for just about a year now. I've been tracking pretty consistenly but usually go over my points allowance by about 200-300 calories. I get this feeling of a fear of feeling hungry. And/Or maybe I've done really good for a week and then the weekend comes along and I think well I can lose any extra weight I GAIN because I've done it before, then stop tracking because my mindset is oh well I've blown it now. Then I'm right back to where I started. Anyway, I'm frustrated enough to reach out for help. I want to reach goal by my daughter's 3rd b-day in April. Anyone else have problems with this? Or any suggestions/support would be awesome!


  • Hey, I know someone that is the same height and weight that you are! She is beautiful inside and out. Honestly, with my whole heart, I don't believe that she needs to loose any weight. She looks AWESOME. I'm thinking if you are the same height and weight, then you probably look the same, amazing! My advice to you is keep up with what you are doing, don't stress out when it's not going well, and always work out because it makes you feel good!! Love you sis!
  • That's crazy! I know someone about that same height and weight as well!! I agree that she is beautiful and one of the funniest people that I have ever met! I would ask yourself a few questions. Will that weight really make you happy?? Will you be able to maintain or will it be a rollarcoaster ride to hang on?? Or have you already met your goal weight and don't even know it?? I would concentrate on loosing one pound at a time instead of five pounds. That can be overwhelming!! Make sure to celebrate the victories!! It's best to celebrate with awesome people!! Like your sisters!! Love you!!
  • lcooke24
    lcooke24 Posts: 115 Member
    Awwwww!! You guys are sooo sweet! I love this!
  • stimpatron
    stimpatron Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, This is the first time I have posted something on here but we seem to have the same goal. I'm 5'2 and started at 140 with my goal 125-130. I've reached it within a month. I started walking for an hour 3 times a week but now I run 5km 3 times a week. I end up off track on the weekends but jump back on during the week. Keep challenging yourself to do more each week. Good luck
  • wapeters
    wapeters Posts: 15 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey everyone thanks for the encouragement. I love you too sisters! I feel refueled now. Man these boards really do help. I love MFP. Hey Stimpatron-Thanks for posting. Your message reminded me that yes I can lose the last five in a little over a month. It is cool to hear from someone else who has a similiar situation. What is your number one tip in regards to eating that helped you reach goal?
    Thanks again everyone! Wendy
  • stimpatron
    stimpatron Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Wendy, yes this is a great site. I'm Vegetarian and have been for years. I eat big for breakfast and lunch and usually they are the same things raisin bran and a banana for breakfast, then a chickpea veggie wrap for lunch. Dinners are generally Indian meals spiced. Really its about eating more whole grains, veggies and fruit than dairy and meat products. Love beans and legumes their our You'll do it at the end of the day it's about how you feel so you can push forward. :smile: