I'm scared of the aftermath

Today I have been thinking a lot about certain decisions I have made. One of them being why it has taken me so long to want to get "fit" again. I had my first child at 17. I was a tiny little thing only weighing 117 at conception, but gained a substantial amount of weight during my pregnancy and because of this (and genetics) my skin on my stomach was completely ruined. Ever since then my weight has yoyo'ed. I would be satisfied at first but then when I get down to a certain weight I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror because of this "kangaroo pouch" that gets worse and worse with every pound lost. Is it normal to be scared to lose weight in fear that after everything you have done you still won't be happy with your results? At one point I even consulted a plastic surgeon to see how much it would cost to have the excess skin removed. He quoted me $10,000!!!!!!!!!! I would just like to be able to wear a 2 piece again without having to wear a big T Shirt along with it, or worrying about my shirt slipping up and exposing my stomach. Does anyone else feel this way?


  • browneyes97
    A little- I think the more weight I lose the smaller my chest gets and the bigger my stomach gets:(
    I'm trying to work through it- do more abs and chest exercises. Hopefully that will help even things out.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I can totally relate!!!

    Heavy lift - begin now and keep doing it. It is the best fat burning exercise and only requires about 50 minutes 3x a week. New Rules for Lifting for Women - go buy it.

    You got this!!!
  • sandoem
    sandoem Posts: 2 Member
    Sweety, don't focus on it too much. Stay true to your goals. I'm positive most of us have our concerns. I personally worry about the same thing. The truth is, we may not look absolutely perfect right away. Some of us may need to get surgery to be satisfied, and although it's expensive, it will give you that confidence you deserve. But for now, if you work on cardio and strength training (for your abs) along with a clean diet and LOTS of water, eventually your tummy will start to shrink down. Invest in some skin tightening creams and apply as recommended. Of course, this won't be a "cure" but it /will/ help. Stay strong, and don't ever forget that you're beautiful. ♡
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    There are exciting (read scary) things emerging from beneath the weight all the time. One of the things you have to focus on is the health aspect and another is the strength...you can live in health for a long time - and being able to do things with our flawed bodies is pretty cool too. Taking it out for a long run, lifting heavy weights...those are the things that are good to focus on. I am not saying things won't bug you - but find a new benchmark to measure against. Think about it in 10 years perspective - when you look back at pictures you hated 5 years ago are they so bad now? What do you reckon will be your focus in 10 years - do you think it will be the same if you aren't enjoying good health?
  • Buzymomof_3
    Buzymomof_3 Posts: 73 Member
    Eeek - thinking of myself in a two piece would scare me more than anything :tongue: We all have a part we focus on most. Mine is my chest, I like having larger breasts, but it seems they're tied more to weight than genetics. But I keep thinking about how much better I'll feel being fit and healthy. Anything else is gravy. Maybe in time it will tighten up. I know my daughter lost weight and as her muscles built, the skin seems to be tightening. So maybe it won't be too bad, you just have to keep working at it.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    Thanks everybody for the support and encouragement! I was really feeling down and out but after all of your comments I feel better. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and went to the gym :) I think I need to work on loving myself inside as well as out. Thanks everybody!