A "Vegan" (or General Weight Loss) Side-Effect

I began eating vegan about 2 weeks ago. I have this (I don't know if it is normal) side-effect. This may be personal and kind of uncomfortable for some people, but I'm curious if anyone else has had a lot of bowel movements as a result of eating vegan or losing weight? I am not sure if it is because of the lack of animal products and increase in vegetables and grains or if it is a result of my large water intake combined with an unfamiliar diet. This is a new territory for me, so I simply do not know!

Thank you in advance for your reply :))


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    My guess would be it is due to the increase of fiber (from veggies and fruits) and the water. Your body should get used to it soon.
  • Sunny_fit4life
    Sunny_fit4life Posts: 157 Member
    It should not last much longer for you, but it's completely normal. You probably had a big increase in how much fiber you were eating, so once your body adjusts you'll be back to normal, or better.
  • tomatini
    tomatini Posts: 61 Member
    Agreed with the others: It's mostly likely due to a sudden increase in fiber. Drinking a lot of liquid can also make things "run smoothly" so to speak. I experienced a lot of gas when I first went vegan (probably because I was suddenly eating a ton of beans and lentils) but that subsided after a couple of weeks.
  • Luvmyhubby222
    Luvmyhubby222 Posts: 149 Member
    It's kind of a running joke with a lot of us. Making the smooth S, I've heard it called.:laugh:
    We vegans are nothing if not very regular (hey, it beats having all those carcasses rotting in your colon, right?!).
    Here's to happy bowels!:drinker:
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You're probably eating more fiber than you're used to. Meat, dairy, ect have 0 g of fiber.
  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    Yup, more fiber most likely.

    If I recall correctly, an average health bowel transit time is 8-12 hours... Generally, in the morning you should poop your dinner and by dinner you should poop your breakfast. Or whatever schedule you personally eat on with that rough timing. Up to three times a day is considered within a healthy range.

    An otherwise healthy person getting a balanced diet and fiber levels should have a bowel movement one to three times a day... if you go less than every other day it's not ideal and is considered constipation.
  • determineddancer
    It's kind of a running joke with a lot of us. Making the smooth S, I've heard it called.:laugh:
    We vegans are nothing if not very regular (hey, it beats having all those carcasses rotting in your colon, right?!).
    Here's to happy bowels!:drinker:

    Thank you for the info! It is a normal and regular thing that doesn't go away?
    Just making sure :))
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    There are certain foods that some people are very sensitive to in that department, and many of these foods are fruit, vegetable, or legume. This may be part of it. (Pineapples, grapes, raw spinach or a big salad, beans, just a few of the culprits. Combine some of these and you could be in big trouble--like a pineapple, chia seed, and raw spinach smoothie.) If it's just fiber, you will adjust, but you may find that certain foods are prone to make you go.
  • Luvmyhubby222
    Luvmyhubby222 Posts: 149 Member
    Your gut will get used to it. No worries. :smile: