Need Insanity motivation starting 2/25!



  • skinnyfat1982
    skinnyfat1982 Posts: 6 Member
    I started insanity today. OMG is all i can say really looking forward how my body looks in 90 days!
  • neonflowers
    neonflowers Posts: 20 Member
    I started doing Insanity a month ago but I only did twice a week. I didn't think I was strong enough to do it more. I've restarted now and I'm in my second week of month one. I do it four times a week and weight training 2 times a week. It gets better just keep at it. I've noticed I'm a lot hungrier than normal also. So be prepared to combat that.
  • Hi are my reslutls of the fit-test
    two numbers, last time and this time....

    Switch-kicks 60-102
    Power-jacks 40 -49
    power knees 70-73
    power jumps 20 -25
    globe jumps 6 - 10 (16 more jumps!! :)
    suicide jumps 9 -12
    push-up jacks 20 -24
    low plank oblique 50 -66

    second week fit-test....i'm happy.
    i do insanity every other day because i also do weight training!!!
    love how i feel right now, and so glad i quit smoking 4 weeks ago.....never gonna do it again...i feel super!!!

    keep it up everybody, love it that there ar more people here doing the same thing...

    Greetz from the Netherlands
  • agrima27
    agrima27 Posts: 13 Member
    I just restarted Insanity today, I got up to week 3 and then got sick.. I am hoping that I can complete this round :) Just take it slow because you will be sore.
  • i started today. Tough is an understatement but a great workout. Just keep telling myself to push through the first week. No Pain No Gain!