Hungry all the time!

I'd been managing my daily food intake quite well until I was made redundant and ever since I've been off the rails a bit. I'm trying to rein myself in now but for the last few days I've been eating around 1300 calories a day but have been so hungry all the time. My exercising has only netted around 200 - 400 each day but I eat the calories back...why do I feel so hungry? I go to bed hungry and wake up hungry, I try and space out my meals throughout the day with around 300 calls per meal and snacks.
Any ideas on how I can curb my appetite, I don't want to spoil all my hard work by excessive eating :(
:frown: :cry:


  • Tebbspcad
    Oh I'm 5" 6 inches and weigh about 150lbs

    Any advice would be appreciated. :)
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm bumping for later. I cannot get my appetite under control to save my soul.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    Drinking green tea sometimes used to help in my initial stages, eating protein rich food also good....your diary is not open so can't comment much..exercise , high intensity is also an appetite suppressant..
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I don't think curbing your appetite is really necessary. Take a look at the foods that you are eating for starters make sure they are protein and fiber rich. Make sure you're getting enough fat in your diet too. It may just need a simple menu adjustment, then try it for a week to see how your appetite may or may not change. If ti doesn't change, maybe there is a trigger. Maybe boredom or something causes you to want to eat? That's just an example.
  • Brave0708
    Brave0708 Posts: 3 Member
    Hmmm. I try to put some form of protein in with all of my meals. Shrimp wraps, chicken salads, protein shakes, etc. Also, I make sure to get enough fiber every day (even though that's very difficult for me). I've found that using one of the generic tasteless fiber powders while I'm cooking dinner will help me stay full through to my bedtime, which varies quite drastically.

    In summary. Protein and fiber!

    I hope that helps! :)
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    Drink more water. much more than you think is ok. Water is normally the answer to hunger.
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    What are your typical meals? Are you getting enough protein, are you getting enough water. Are you really hungry or are you bored, i struggled with boredum hunger for a long time, alwasy thinking I was hungry when in all seriousness, I was just bored and food seemed like a good idea. Spreading your meals out like that can be good and bad, (not a doctor, so take this for what it is my opinion). I read an article that talked about the negative effects of eating smaller meals more often. It stated about it being counter productive towards our bodies naturally ability to miss a meal. When you fuel your body all day, it eventually expects to be fed all day. I use to do 5 meals a day and then after reading that article i started paying attention to my body, and like clock work, at 6 I was hungery, at 9:30 i was hungry, at 12 I was hungry, at 2:30 i was hungry, at 6 i was hungry. And god forbid i would miss a meal, because then i got crabby and Super hungry. So I started increase my meals and only eating 3, and it really helped me not be hungry all the time. Hope that gives you something to think about, good luck.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Drink a gallon of water daily.
  • zanjones
    Try doing this, it seems to work for me. Before you eat, ask yourself, am I really hungry? Is it possible that I'm bored, angry, sad, vengeful, or some other emotion? Food isn't the enemy, it's simply fuel.

    Not trying to assign emotions to you, so please don't take offense. I was laid off in 2009, and experienced the worst weight gain of my life. A job is so much more than a paycheck! Working says to us that we're important, and needed... and it satisfies that need to be part of a team, or a tribe. Once that was gone, at least for me, I felt like there was a hole in me that needed to be filled. I filled it with food. After a while, I started giving myself time outs... and distracting myself with other things (I took up jewelry making). I found that keeping my hands busy, while not focusing on fitness or food (although exercise is good of course), helped tremendously.

    Good luck on your journey, I hope everything improves for you soon.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    You're not eating ebough you need to net at least 1200 calories otherwise you're are starving yourself
  • dietingdanni
    A few things could help:

    1. Drink lots of water, often your body may thinks its hungry when its just thirsty.
    2. Increase your protein intake. This is why the dukan diet is the current crazy as the hgih protein diet means you fill really full so dont eat so much.
    3. Maybe increase you calories and find the level where your not always hungry and then each week reduce it by 50-100kcal until your at a level where you are losing weight at the pace you want. This will help your body adapt and get use to the lower calorie intake making you less hungry,

    It may also be worth trying to snack, it may just be the habit of eatting your missing. Carry fruit, carrot sticks etc around and nibble on them and see if that helps. I certainly prefer to have lots of snacks.

    Hope this helps
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Lean protein with every meal, olive oil, 2% milk, and full fat yogurt. I drink a lot a lot a lot of water. Green tea is really nice for me to curb craving. I have a magic meal that makes me feel full and satisfied when I am really hungry, 6 oz of grilled salmon, cup of spinach or brcoccoli w garlic butter, and 1/2 cup of brown rice. Also working out regularly makes my appetite more predictable.
  • FrancineM62
    FrancineM62 Posts: 42 Member
    I was having the same issue with feeling hungry all the time, but I discovered that it was when I wasn't getting enough fluids. I think I was confusing feeling hungry with being slightly dehydrated. I really have to make a conscious effort to drink more.
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    I eat a lot of salad to fill my stomach and a bit of delcious protien. It leaves me feeling full.
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    You're eating below your BMR, which I get at 1475. Add to that the 200 to 400 exercise calories, and you are burning between 1675 and 1875 per day. The deficit is not that big; the level of intake is just too low.

    Many of the "solutions" above treat the symptoms without solving the basic problem that you're not taking in enough fuel for your body to run well. Water, green tea, lettuce, celery, and any other hack that makes you not feel hungry will still leave your body short on fuel.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    I'm 5'6", started out at around 150 pounds, and now I'm around 140-142. I lost those pounds eating 1500 calories when I don't exercise, and more when I do. Now I eat 1700 (and more when I exercise), and I'm still losing (at a very slow pace, but whatever).

    Simple answer, maybe you're hungry because you need to eat a bit more! You could try adding 200-300 calories to your day for a few weeks, and see how you feel then.

    The second part, if you're still feeling hungry, is that maybe you need to eat more protein/fat, which tends to be more filling. Good luck!