PCOS and Weight Lifting

Since I was first diagnosed with PCOS and put on birth control at the age of 16, I have never had a period that wasn't medically induced. Somehow, I find myself having my first one since 2002 now, and I'm trying to figure out if something I've done has caused it so I can keep it up! I've always known low-carb eating and near-daily exercise were extremely beneficial to PCOS, but I've done low-carb, I've done daily Jillian Michaels videos for months, and I've even weighed less than I currently do, and none of those things ever gave me a period. The only thing I can think that I'm doing differently now is lifting heavy, but I can't see how that would benefit PCOS if one of the main issues with PCOS is increased androgens. I'm not currently eating low-carb, per se, but have lowered my carb count for sure just by eating better (ie. I used to eat carbs breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert and am now more often opting for smoothies, salads, etc.). I'm usually around 100-150g/day. I lift M/W/F and run 3.5+m T/Th/Sa. I've been doing this routine for about 2 weeks, and have been eating better, on and off, since December. I also finished nursing my youngest in early Dec.

Anyone have any ideas?


  • surgkeish
    surgkeish Posts: 13 Member
    i have pcos and a poor diet i really want to get a grip on my health.
  • artemis814pa
    Excersizes and diet worked for my pcos. I had it controlled for seven years (currently working on bringing it back under control. Something changed over the past two yrs. I think the mirena). I kept the weight down and had normal bleeding. I also didnt need to work out that much anymore once I reached my goal weight.

    Keep doing what you're doing. It may be the breakthrough ur body wanted.