Gym Advice?



  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    so like others said, it's all about diet.

    but you came here asking for some exercise advice, about routines and things.

    first, i'd like to direct you to these links. i got a lot of good information here on how to start building a routine when i first started.

    honestly, you should read every article here:

    I work a lot of 12 hour shifts, where i'll do 3-4 day shifts in a row, and then have 3-4 days off, and then 3-4 night shifts in a row. it's taken a lot of trial and error to figure out what works for me.

    first, those 12 hour days are usually rest days for me. they're long days, that start when i wake up at 430am, and i don't get home until 7pm. i'm tired and usually i just eat, pack my stuff for the next day, and relax. However, lately, i've been finding that i usually have the energy to do a work out one of those evenings. i have to have my exercise gear with me in the car, and go straight to the gym or the swimming pool. if i stop at home then i'm done, and there is no getting off the couch. these work outs are generally light, 30-60 minutes tops.

    my night shifts are hard. on the morning of the first night shift, i take advantage and work out early. on the morning getting out of my last night shift, i usually find that a work out (usually swimming) helps reset my body clock. the night shifts in between are a roll of the dice; some days i can get a work out in, some times i can't. it all depends on how my body feels.

    the days that i really do my best to kill it at the gym are on my days off. i'll be at the gym as it opens, and i'm usually there for about two hours. then in the afternoon i usually do some cardio, either a swim, bike ride, or a run. it sounds like a lot, but obviously i built up to this. i also know that while i'm straining my body, i will be pretty much taking 3-4 rest days immediatly after.

    so if i were you, i'd first start by just concentrate on working out on the days that you CAN work out.

    That's a very good idea, cause I am usually exhausted after work and ready to crash. LOL Thanks for the websites i will be looking into them.