Inches Vs Weight Loss

Hello everyone! Just wondering, I've lost 10 lbs since I've started (again) here in January. Eating less and sometimes clean, working out at lunch 30 minutes everyday except Sat & Sun.

Why if my body looks thinner, my clothes fit better and I really can't wear a size 16 pants anymore to lose on legs and the get really lose throughout the day. Yet, I haven't really lost anymore weight? Will I be a 208 lbs forever but wear a size 5 pants?
Does the weight eventually catch up to the size?


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Scale weight is hard because it's affected by so many things (water retention being a big one, which is impacted by diet and exercise). If you are seeing results elsewhere (measurements, in the mirror, how clothes fit), the scale will eventually catch up. Be patient.
  • makieo
    makieo Posts: 16
    You are going the right direction. And congrats on making life changes. As your body starts to get the nutrients it needs it will slowly let go of the calories stored realizing that it won't starve. Another point to this is muscle burns calories and is much heavier than fat. For most beginners you will see just what you are describing weight about the same but everything is fitting better. Just be patient and stay focused it will start to drop off soon. The more muscle you build the more calories that your body with burn. one last secret is drink lots of water, cold water is better. Your body will burn an extra 100 calories per half gallon you drink.
  • Getyourshineon
    I'm experiencing the same issue right now... Clothes are looser, down a size, thinner face but the scale won't budge past the 10lbs I've lost since I started in Jan. I do have issues with water retention and I know I'm not drinking enough water... So, for me, it's going to take upping my movement, upping my water, and upping my patience and loving myself for the healthier choices I'm making.. May be the same for you! Good Luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    i went six months with my scale bouncing up and down between the same few pounds, but during that time I lost fat and inches and dropped a full pants size. Can't always go by the scale!

    It finally did catch up, all of a sudden I dropped a few pounds. But inches lost are more exciting to me, weight varies too much from day to day depending on my workouts, water retention, hormones, etc.
  • micabrito2012
    micabrito2012 Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks again to all of you who responded! Just needed some input and I think I'm going to try and lose body fat instead of weight! I'm at a whopping 27.8% lets see if I can get down a little! Thanks!