Want to start 30 day shred with me?



  • joeymalone142
    I'm in! I am on Day 3 of Level 1 - Love it so far but it's alot harder than it looks! whew, my legs hurt and I can't laugh too hard because my stomach muscles are killing me! :)

    Great job! Are you planning to do it every day without breaks? I am just wondering about rest days. Were your 3 days in a row? I truly feel right now like there is going to be no way I am going to be able to do it again tomorrow. The soreness began immediately. My arms were shaking to wash my hair in the shower after!
  • azalea617
    azalea617 Posts: 109 Member
    I just did Level 1 Day 2. Holy moly. I did Day 1 yesterday because I don't want to do breaks (I will between levels). It's so hard to stand uppp!!! hahaha I generally like it though because it challenges me, but is still very manageable. I'm either crappy at crunches or really good, because my legs are killing, but my stomach is fine. Arms are a little sore too at the joints.
  • joeymalone142
    It's probably all in my head, but I am so hungry after doing that video this morning!
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    How many days has everyone done? Ill have a go.

    Also how do u get the banner thingy below your posts??

    Hi btw, I'm also called Jo :)
  • homegirl614
    homegirl614 Posts: 93 Member
    Just finished day 1!! Whew, yea that was a killer. But I am going to try and do it everyday, or at least take breaks between levels. I'm up for the challenge
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    I did level 1 again this morning. The cardio is really easy and does not challenge me at all but the strength knocks me for 6. I can already feel my muscles bulging.
    I am doing an alternate fast diet where I eat 500 calories 3 days a weeks then 1500 3 days and Sunday upto 2000.
    I have been to strict on my off days and have averaged 1200 cals and guess what?? Plateau
    I ate 1600 yesterday but will stick to 500 today and do shred although I'm thinking of moving to level 2 already ? Or staying on level 1 with extra cardio?
  • joeymalone142
    Today is day 2 for me. I am really nervous it's going to hurt like hell. I am very sore. My son climbed on my lap and every thing hurt! I am really sore on my sides, like chest level. I don't know if I have ever been sore there! I took some motrin this am with breakfast, I hope that helps a little by the time I do the video in about an hour from now, just need to get the kids off to school. I really hope that making it through these first few really sore and tough days will get me over some kind of hump and it won't be quite so bad soon.

    Great job to every one who has started! Keep posting, we want to hear how you are doing! :)
  • joeymalone142
    Ok, done with day 2. I think it felt harder and I was more tired. BUT, it went by a lot faster because I knew what to expect. You know how when you drive some where new it feels like it takes so long to get there and then when you drive home it does not seem to take as long. I feel like this was like that. The first time, having no idea what to expect (except maybe fear of how hard it would be) I was in a constant mode of anticipation. Today that was gone and it made it seem to go by faster. Curious to see how tomorrow feels. She says something during one of the cardio sections about if you are on day like 5-7 or something that you should be feeling your endurance increase. I sure hope that happens!
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    All you people on here have lost loads of weight! Well done. Can you share your secrets? Not for me, but for my partner who has a way to go
  • joeymalone142
    I lost mine calorie shifting. Very basically I took the number of calories per day for weight loss and instead of looking at consuming them each day, I look at the number over the week, and use more calories on some days and less on others. I eat 3 "low days", 3 "up days", and 1 way up day or cheat day each week. I don't know if changing up the numbers does anything for your metabolism, some say yes and some say no. But being able to have more food on some days vs staying relatively low and the same EVERY SINGLE DAY, really did something for my head. It helped make the whole thing much more bearable. I never ate the same number of calories in a day, more than two days in a row.

    I can be more detailed, or am even willing to figure numbers for people if they are interested.
  • jennied314
    jennied314 Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me! I started 30ds yesterday. I did it last year and had great results. It's a great way to Kick off exercising.
  • homegirl614
    homegirl614 Posts: 93 Member
    Just finished day 2. Yesterday i wasn't as intense as today. I went all out today because I knew what to expect and yesterday I was uncertain. I am feeling it right now...
  • joeymalone142
    Me too! I am SO SORE tonight!
  • dawnj87
    dawnj87 Posts: 98 Member
    I want to try it but I'm scared. Is it a different workout everyday? for 30 days? How do you do it? I don't want to buy another dvd just to sit on my tv console :sad: so if you have done it please enlighten me. Also I am very much overweight and out of shape so is it something I could do????
  • Caligirlk22
    Caligirlk22 Posts: 8 Member
    Im going to start 3/1/13 also! Ive started the video before but never finish all 30 days. Hopefully this time around I will :)
  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    i'm on day 7 - level 1 :)
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    Well it's only a 20 minute work out but it is circuit training which is the best way to lose inches. This is my first go do we shall see.
    I did p90x last year with brilliant results. That is a loooong DVD. Averages around 70 mins and I just don't have that kind of time right now. I'm only on level 1 and the cardio is not challenging enough but the strength and abs are killing me.
    I think the fact it is so short motivates me to actually do it

    Good luck
  • joeymalone142

    I think the fact it is so short motivates me to actually do it

    Good luck

    Me too. I try to look at it like "I can do anything for 20 minutes". That does not mean it's not hard, but it's such a short amount of time. I'd rather work my butt off for 20 minutes than do something mediocre for longer. It really appealed to me because I was seeing some amazing results posted here and people were getting those results from some thing that was only taking 20 minutes a day!
  • joeymalone142
    i'm on day 7 - level 1 :)

    How is it going on being a little further along at day 7? I did day 3 today and it was ever bit as hard or harder than the 1st two days. I am hoping at some point I am going to handle it a little better! Like break through the initial torture from being out of shape and fairly inactive. I think I may have been able to push a little harder today than the last couple days, hard to say though. Well actually I did get through the final ab bicycle thing without stopping this time, even if what I was doing was pretty modified, I kept my legs up and my head up. LOL
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    Ok I did day three and I have a question.

    If this workout lasts 20 mins and I log it on mfp as circuit trainjng or calisthenics it records the calories burnt as 169

    That is totally not enough to "shred" pounds per week so should I combine this with something else ie the elliptical or running or am I burning more calories secretly - that would be great wouldn't it!!

    I'm determined to have a six pack for summer. I love the ab exercises the most !