Moms of young children

Hi everyone, looking for some support buddies, especially moms of young kids. Thanks!!


  • Hey, that is what I am looking for too :) I am a mom of a 3 year old boy and 6 week old girl and really need some support and motivation, maybe we can help each other out.
  • bim381
    bim381 Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me! I'm a SAHM to 3y/o and a 5y/o girls.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Dad to three year old son and wife is expecting... Also have a thirteen year old son. My food diary is open to friends. Tiffany was down over 30 pounds when she got pregnant. I've dropped 134 since July 1st.
    Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    Mom to a 21 month old girl! Friend me if you would like.
  • Sicler
    Sicler Posts: 18
    Dad with a two year old and another due in August. Feel free to add me. Open diary and very clean eater... Mostly
  • cbeckl
    cbeckl Posts: 79
    Hi All...Feel free to add me. I am a mom of 2 girls. Ages 7 and 4.
  • Thanks, all! Sending requests now...and I should have added DADS and CARETAKERS of young children up there!
  • danessa1
    danessa1 Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a working wife and mother of 2 girls, 3 and 2 (March).
  • superjean1
    superjean1 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi! I am a full time working mom of an almost two year old daughter. Feel free to add if you'd like!
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    Me too full time working mom to a three year old and two year old!!!! Yikes! Add me
  • I am a mom to 2 beautiful girls age 9 and 6. Just starting back on this weight loss journey. Feel free to add me..
  • Im trying this again for my second time. Im a SAHM with a 2mo old little girl :)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I have a 13 month old tornado! Feel free to add!
  • Anyone can add me as well. I am a Stay at home mom of 3....a 9b, 7b, and 4g year old. Always looking to see how other parents balance the kid crazy schedules and trying to loose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle

  • RambyPandy
    RambyPandy Posts: 118 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. My son is 3 & 1/2.

    ETA: I am a full time working mom.
  • jtolman619
    jtolman619 Posts: 128 Member
    You can add me if you want! I'm a SAHM to a 9 month old girl.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    I have four daughters, ages 11, 6, 4 and 2. Been on MFP for a year and am down 48lbs so far. Feel free to add me.
  • Feel free to add me - I'm a full-time working mom of three kids - 11, 8, 6. So, they're not at the infant/toddler stage - but man, they keep you busy! You're profile said you were in Philadelphia - I'm in Phoenixville, right next to King of Prussia/Valley Forge. I'm struggling with the last 7 pounds up, there they are, hopefully going down again.
  • JessiAnn88
    JessiAnn88 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a full-time working mom of 2 year old and a 6 week old. Feel free to add me too, it's nice to have people with similar experiences :)
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Mom to 3! Ages 7, almost 6, and 3 1/2. Feel free to add me too!