Breaking the Addiction!

SraArroz Posts: 238
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I realize I have a chocolate addiction. It's really bad. I CRAVE chocolate candy/cookies/ice cream on a daily basis. While I account for the calories and only sometimes go over my limit, I don't like the way it makes me feel. I feel like I have no control over myself when all I can think about is getting my next chocolate fix.

So... since I'd set a goal to be under 200 by July 4th and I am 13 lbs away, I've decided this is the time for me to get serious and make it happen. I've decided to give up the chocolate until then. That will hopefully help me with the cravings and if I decide to allow it back into my lifestyle after the 4th, I can do so on a very limited and special occasion basis. The only "chocolate" that I'll be allowing is my protein shakes that I drink daily. I will combat the cravings with increased water intake and if I can't get my mind off of it, I will exercise or do some type of activity. Please say a prayer for me, as I may turn into a crazy-chocolate-obsessed lady for the next few days as the withdrawals kick in. YIKES!


  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    My addiction is McDonalds and I feel the exact same way as you, its truly an addiction, lol. I haven't ate it at all the past 2 weeks since starting here on MFP, but boy do I crave it! I wish you luck in reaching under 200, I wish, lol.
  • care1221
    care1221 Posts: 27
    you can do it!! stay positive!!
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    I was addicted to chocolate, too! What really helped me was I stopped buying any kind of chocolate except for 90% dark. The stuff's super bitter, so you can only eat little bits at a time, however it still has the same consistency and (somewhat) taste, so it satisfies my cravings with a lot less consumed. Just a tip :)

    Hope you meet your goal!
  • I have found that everything is ok in moderation. Allow yourself a small amount of chocolate every couple of days so you have it enough that you wont binge but less enough that your satisfied. Get a bag of hersheys minitures and allow yourself 2 pieces every couple of days as a reward for making healthy choices and exercising!!:happy:
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I've found that hot chocolate fixes my chocolate craving like magic.
    A mugful lasts so much longer and is more satisfying to me than a small block of chocolate :smile:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I have found that everything is ok in moderation. Allow yourself a small amount of chocolate every couple of days so you have it enough that you wont binge but less enough that your satisfied. Get a bag of hersheys minitures and allow yourself 2 pieces every couple of days as a reward for making healthy choices and exercising!!:happy:

    I am like this. If I say none at all, then cravings kick in. Try the fat free fudge bars at DQ. They are 50 cals and amazing!
  • Good Luck! I know that there are something that I just lose control when it is around my house. Like potato chips.
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    I have had a serioux chocolate addictin all of my life. If I do not have one bite I am alright, but I cannot have that first bite or I just eat and eat and eat. I will tell you from past experience you will go thru withdraw, but it goes away only be careful, I find as I lose one I pick up a new one, right now it is neutella.
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    I too am a recovering chocoholic! I have been doing this since February 18th. That is the last day I had chocolate. I am a bit nervous about having it, so I just stay away from it. It, like any other addiction just has to get out of your body..............I try to eat fresh fruit. Today I tried some sugar free angel food cake with berries and whipped cream....just delicious and don't need the chocolate.Good luck to you!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Thanks everybody! Since joining MFP, I've switched to dark chocolate, and that wasn't easy as I don't really *like* dark chocolate. So, then I'd get hershey's dark nuggets and allow myself one serving (4 nuggets) in a day. I think it was just causing me to expect my chocolate daily allowance.

    I'm coming up on my 4th anniversary of quitting smoking and caffenated beverages, and the way I did that was by quitting cold turkey. In fact, the only caffeine I have comes from chocolate. While I would love to be able to allow myself a treat every few days, I think that's part of my problem. I've been allowing myself a treat more often than I should and have been justifying it because it was 'dark' chocolate... so it's "healthy". Either way, I rummage through the house or go to my office mates and and search for anything chocolate.... so it's not good. It's taken my focus off of the whole foods that I should be eating and it's become all I think about.

    Thank you for the support! I'm hoping to get it out of my system enough so that when I do allow myself the rare chocolate treat, I'll appreciate it but it won't be a part of my daily lifestyle.
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    :happy: Today is day 2 without the chocolate! :happy: Woohoo!! It hasn't been as hard as I was expecting... but I guess we'll see how it goes from here on out.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I used to be completely addicted to chocolate and sugar. Once I stopped eating sugar in ALL forms except stevia, which is natural (yes, that includes "fake" sugars which give me migraines anyways), I stopped craving sugar and chocolate. When I do indulge (and I do!) I buy myself a fancy, high end chocolate, because all the "regular" chocolates I used to shove in my mouth taste cheap, full of sugar and don't taste good to me any more. I've retrained my brain, tastebuds and I don't stop myself from having some when I do desire it.

    Hope that helps.
  • ruth1104
    ruth1104 Posts: 40 Member
    I know how you feel!!! Until a couple of months ago I was completely addicted to sugar, I had to have at least one "hit" every day or I was so tired and tetchy. I found by phasing it out slowly and making yummy healthy food that I look forward to eating I'm doing a lot better - I can go a week without chocolate now and not notice!! (except at certain times of the month..) When I eat some now, I enjoy it but don't feel the same "rush" that makes you want to go on and on eating. Sugar, fat and salt are geniunly so addictive which is I guess why we also think of them as "comfort" foods but we can regain control!! x
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