Office Workout?

Does anyone else have a small workout routine you do at your desk or in the break room? I found one that consists of chair squats, desk pushups, chair crunch, alternating lunges, chair dips, calf raises and a wall sit. All for 30 seconds without taking a break between exercises then resting one minute and doing again.

Also, how would I calculate that on MFP? Circuit training? Aerobics?


  • mrslynch
    mrslynch Posts: 90 Member
    I have peiced together some exercises that I do in my office, some chair lifts, wall push ups, chair dips, arm circles, calf raises, and some standing ab exercises.... I do them when I can fit them in or make a rule for the day, like - every time the phone rings do a set of something. I've been logging it as light-moderate effort calesthenics, but I'm curious what someone else would log it as. I know it's not going to be the deciding factor in my weight loss, but I like knowing that I'm doing something - more than I was before. Plus, I definitely think the calf raises are working on my legs!
  • bandomom13
    bandomom13 Posts: 7 Member
    On my two 15MIN. Breaks I simply walk, around, and around, and around our lunch room table. They think I'm nuts, but you know what? I'm getting those steps on my pedometer, and getting my body in shape. I also do jump rope for a quick warm up. Stay active, get any thing you can get , any movement is great..
  • Mamalea32
    I do not. I get up extra early to workout before work, but many employees at my agency form walking groups and take lunch time walks together-- they find this motivating and supportive.
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    One great "workout" is to buy a swiss balance ball and use that as your chair. This isn't a new idea but it is a great one. It is actually hard to sit on one for more than 15 minutes at first but you can build up time. It is a great core and posture "workout" and all you have to do is sit there.
  • QuikDogs
    QuikDogs Posts: 194 Member
    I do stair laps. I'm up to 30 floors a day.
  • jess6741
    jess6741 Posts: 107 Member
    Options has a 30min office workout. It's a really light workout but I was feeling sluggish and it got me re-energized.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    sadly, i thought u meant sex in the office,
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I do not. I get up extra early to workout before work, but many employees at my agency form walking groups and take lunch time walks together-- they find this motivating and supportive.

    I normally do to but today I overslept my alarm and was actually late for work too. Or on my days off from lifting, I would like to do something light. We are a small office and no one else is interested in walking with me. Plus its 32 degrees outside today and tax season. So time is very limited.
  • rde8jr
    rde8jr Posts: 34
    We have a flight of stairs out in the warehouse and I go 10 minutes of up and down the stairs on all 3 of my breaks. Then when I am standing at the copier making copies I do squats. My boss thinks this is hilarious but just laughs at me when he sees me doing them.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    sadly, i thought u meant sex in the office,

    Now.. this.. I would try. LOL.. only not with any of my co-workers.. LOL..

    As for the rest.. nope.. I do enough outside the office.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    sadly, i thought u meant sex in the office,

    Now.. this.. I would try. LOL.. only not with any of my co-workers.. LOL..

    As for the rest.. nope.. I do enough outside the office.

    I bet you would try that if This awesomely tanned man was working there with ya!! The board room would become the steam room babycakes!!!:devil:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Lunch (1/2 hour) walk ..... when weather permits. We have this great hill; I've got walking weights & an MP3 player in my desk (and tennis shoes of course).

    When weather does NOT permit .....this is a fun pick me up:

    Grab a resistance band ....