when your birthday is coming up ...

... and you put new goals in place. (but really want to cry about getting older)

turning 22 in a few days and I'm determined to make the best of it!
21 was an amazing year and i cant wait to see what 22 is all about. heres to getting healthy and fit this year! anyone in a similar boat? looking for some motivation to reach my UGW this year!

birthday goals are so much better than new year resolutions because once january 1st comes around, i still have 2 months to kick *kitten* in time for the set date! hahaha

add meeee! :)


  • katmumn
    katmumn Posts: 78 Member
    My birthday is in less than 3 weeks. I'll be 43 so I'm trying not to think about it too much but it does motivate me. Good luck!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me 134 pounds since July 1st... Guess its a fiscal new year resolution that I've been at for a while. My wife has lost 30! She's now pregnant... Time for me to focus and stick to it!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm turning 40 on June 13th, and I'm not overly thrilled about it. I do have my birthday goal, though. I'm pretty sure I'm going to reach it. Twenty-two is a great age. Enjoy it.
  • fishsticks913
    fishsticks913 Posts: 123 Member
    I will be 39 in September and Have this "vision" in mind of what I want... I would love to have lost a total of 50 pounds by then...so I keep working at it. This has been one heck of a year so far... Many ups and not so many downs, so I am very thankful for it!
    Good luck to all!
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    I just turned 47 December 30 so I guess I have a whole year after New Years to fulfill any resolutions, lol. Coincidentally I started MFP 2 weeks before my birthday this year but it had more to do with wanting to avoid holiday excess than anything else. Good luck with your journey!
  • Dreajewkes
    I will be turning 27 on march 22nd and my goal is to either hit my pre-pregnancy weight of 190lbs or less by my birthday. :happy: This would be the best birthday present evah!
  • jillybeanpuff
    jillybeanpuff Posts: 144 Member
    my birthday is in 3 weeks and I'm going on a cruise!! I won't be anywhere near my goal weight but I'm hoping to be 10 lbs down from my SW. Happy Birthday!