WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
Hello everyone, I am from Beautiful British Columbia and would like to find some fellow Canadians. Although I have met some pretty fantastic motivating people on this site, I don’t think one has been from Canada yet. I thought it would be great if we could do some sort of a “Canadian” Challenge, or even just come daily and chit chat, and try and keep each other accountable and motivated. Of course if you are not from Canada, Im not going to say no to you joining…, Im tough, but Im not mean…lol.

A bit about me:
I turned 40 in January and I LOVE IT. I have never felt better in my life. It really is true, you ARE only as old as you feel. I have three beautiful daughters 10, 8 and 5 and a FANTASTIC husband whom I have known almost my entire life (since I was 5). And one CRAZY Rat Terrier named Juno.

I lost over 60lbs in 2004 with WW and gained 20+lbs back. In October 2009 I rejoined WW and have lost 31lbs and I have 6.2lbs to go to get to my (unreachable) goal of 135lbs. I say unreachable, because I have NEVER been in the 130s in my entire adult life, heck I don’t even think I was in the 130s when I was a teenager. But I can see that number in my very near future and I KNOW it is totally attainable. I just discovered this wonderful site less than a week ago, and I am really enjoying it so far. I have a lot of friends that I post daily with on the WW site, and I am hoping to find the same here. I really need the accountability and the kick in the ars every once in a while when I go off track.

I did have a pretty major setback……In April I was in a car accident and therefore I have NOT exercised one iota since then. Thankfully I have not gained any weight, but actually I am still losing (I thinks its muscle Im losing now though). I am just starting to be able to go for short walks now so I am getting there, it will just take some more time

Anyway thanks for taking time to read and hopefully I will hear from some of you.


  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hey there- I'm from BC as well!

    I'm 27, have two little boys (5 and 18months). I recently (FINALLY!) got out of the 140's. My goal was 135 like you, but I changed it to 125 (which is what I was at before having my first). I'm 5'7" but small framed. I'm finding that this last little bit of weight is NOT wanting to come off at all! I just started working out again (figured it's the only way I'm going to kill those last few pounds), and have lost almost 45 pounds so far (after I gave birth to my second, I was 184 pounds).

    Good work getting as far as you have! Your goal is very close!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Hey From BC as Well Port Alberni!

    Adding you both!!:blushing:
  • ZiaLater
    ZiaLater Posts: 23
    Greetings from the flatlands of Saskatchewan!!!! :D I too am a victim of car accidents which left me useless in the exercise dept. But, almost 20 years later, I'm not hurting as much and well, the weight gain is unreal. I'm doing my best and wanting to be Saskatoon's Biggest Loser!!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Greetings from Grand Bank, Newfoundland. Been on here for almost 3 months and its been doing well for me.
  • tania7424
    tania7424 Posts: 2
    Also from BC (Port Coquitlam). I'm Tania, I'm 35, almost 36, and have two boys 2 and 3 months and just joined this website today. I was doing WW and found that the amount I was paying each week just to be weighed when the meetings were all hings I knew already and just needed to actually put into motion was insane. I gave birth on February 22 and so far I'm down 25 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. After having insulin dependent GD both pregnancies, it was lose weight or be Type 2. Grilled chicken on spring mix instead of pasta with cream sauce it is. LOL My pre-preg weight before my second son was the highest I'd ever been in my life, not pregnant. I'm currently 168, and aiming for 150. It still leaves my BMI (I hate the BMI, it doesn't take frame, chest size, etc into consideration at all) in the overweight category, but I know it's a realistic and attractive weight for me. My goal weight set by WW was too low for my frame and body type. My max weight at 5'2 was 137. I start to look like Skeletor at that weight. I know my body, and that's not realistic. And 109 as a low end? BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are they cutting off my boobs or shaving my hips?

    Anyways, nice to meet you all. :)
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I am also from BC :)
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    why hello there, fellow british columbian! i live in vancouver, and honestly, i don't know how a person could pass up living here! it's so beautiful, and there is so much to do...

    i found this site though school, strangely enough, while learning about healthy lifestyle habits. it's great for everyone, whether trying to lose, gain, or just be more healthy! I joined on Jan 1, 2010, and my goal was to lose twenty pounds by my family reunion in late July. However, due to some unforeseen setbacks, I had to put it aside for a little over a month. Now, I'm back!! Hopefully, I will still be able to meet my goal!

    Good luck to you on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Kingston, Ontario...what's up!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Also from BC. actually on a little island off the coast,
    Good to hear from someone so close to reaching their goal. I figure it will take me a year to get there as my only option is diet right now. I have always walked or run off my weight in the past, but with one foot in a cast I will have 3 months to think of exercises I should be doing. I got some good advice today. I was given some small pilates exercises to work on. You don't need to work out the entire body. Happy thought.
    Keep up the good work, ehh.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Also from BC. actually on a little island off the coast,
    Good to hear from someone so close to reaching their goal. I figure it will take me a year to get there as my only option is diet right now. I have always walked or run off my weight in the past, but with one foot in a cast I will have 3 months to think of exercises I should be doing. I got some good advice today. I was given some small pilates exercises to work on. You don't need to work out the entire body. Happy thought.
    Keep up the good work, ehh.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Also from BC. actually on a little island off the coast,
    Good to hear from someone so close to reaching their goal. I figure it will take me a year to get there as my only option is diet right now. I have always walked or run off my weight in the past, but with one foot in a cast I will have 3 months to think of exercises I should be doing. I got some good advice today. I was given some small pilates exercises to work on. You don't need to work out the entire body. Happy thought.
    Keep up the good work, ehh.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    welcome everyone new on here!

    i think so far im the only ontarian whose responded to this post. welcome to mfp. i've been on here now myself for just over a month and absolutely love it! i love the support and the friendliness of everyone. i think it's also true, the more friends you have on here, the more motivated you feel... oh, i should tell you a bit about myself, i'm 33, living in waterdown, ontario, with my boyfriend and our fish... no kids yet. i hope to one day, but first, i have to get my body into optimal shape, then i figure i'll get pregnant, and then after that, i have a goal to strive for... got my body in optimal shape once, i'll do it again, i figure! :laugh:

    anyway, just thought id say hi and welcome, and by all means, anyone who wants to add me, please do :flowerforyou:

    cheers :drinker:
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone. Im so glad to have a great response, hopefully more will join in. I hope you all don’t mind but I peaked at your profiles.

    My weigh in day is Mondays and I lost again…yay! Woot Woot 1.6lbs. Very happy about that considering I gained last week 1.8lbs, so almost all of that is gone now.

    Carrie when I first started to lose weight in October my goal was 150 and I thought I would be happy there, but now that I have lost more than that, I feel even better about myself. Im 5”4 and although I have had a breast reduction I am still VERY busty, so I think 135 is about as low as I should go. That last 10lbs is always the hardest to lose, don’t get discouraged, you will do it. 45lbs lost….CONGRATS to you.

    Blondie hello to you in Port Alberni. My mom lives just outside of Nanaimo, but I have not been to your neck of the woods.

    ZiaLater my sister-in-law’s parents live in Saskatoon, but I have never been there either. And you can SOOOO be the Biggest Loser there…good luck on your journey.

    Kelly hello to you and nope, never been to Newfoundland either. My very good online buddy from WW is from there, and she is the most FANTASTIC person I have ever (net) met. Newfies Rock!

    Tania Port Coquitlam hey, meeee tooooo. I am on the South Side (the good side)…tee hee, sorry if you’re on the North Side. I was raised here and I wouldn’t want to raise my kids anywhere else. A fellow WW user as well hey. I never went to meetings, I did everything online, so not as expensive I don’t think, but I would rather not pay anything. This site is great so far and I have actually been keeping track on both sites for this week, just to see if it compares…so far so good. Tooooo Funny, your comment about the grilled chicken on spring mix…..EXACTLY what I had for dinner tonight, weird! The BMI thing is a CROCK in my humble opinion. So it says I am just below, right on the line of being overweight….Uh hu, ya right, my hips stick out, my husband says I am getting too skinny, but I am almost overweight where BMI is concerned. Yup, Boobs would have to be cut off, and I guess they could take some inner thigh too..haha

    Mommyhof3 where are you in BC? I peaked at your pics, nice Tat. It’s a big one. I have one on my left ankle of a Tiger (Fav animal) I got it when I was 19 and I will be getting another one when I reach my goal. Something to incorporate my kids names, but haven’t found the perfect one yet.

    EEK I LOVE the initials, it is very cool, that would TOTALLY be my nickname. Can’t do much with mine (SDW). I must admit, I don’t get down to Vancouver much, unless of course I go to a Canucks game or something. I really should, there definitely is A LOT to do downtown. Glad your setback is over and you are back on track.

    Squoozyq cute name. Mother of 5 huh….you must be some sort of wonder woman or something.

    Sbel which Island are you on? Ouch to the foot. And THREE months? Eeewww right through summer, you poor thing. Healing thoughts for you.

    Liz nope not the only Ontarian, Squoozyq is from there too. I totally agree the more peeps you have on here the better….more kicks in the ars when you feel down and out. I definitely need those kicks. Great that you are getting into shape before you get pregnant. I didn’t start my health kick until I was done having my kids, I guess never too late right.

    PitaPocket welcome to you in Winnipeg. Nope haven’t been there either.

    I don’t know if you guys are on here daily or weekly, but I will be on here daily, I need to be accountable everyday and track everything or I get off kilter. So I will (or whoever is up first) can start a new thread every day. We’ll just call it “Canadian Eh – MONDAY” or “Canadian Eh – TUESDAY” whatever day it happens to be. Oh and maybe we should post in the Motivation & Support Thread. Hopefully I will see you all tomorrow or later tonight.

    Yay I am soooo excited……Yup I too am a BIG geek!!!
  • tania7424
    tania7424 Posts: 2
    WildeChikk, I'm on South Side, too. Too funny. And you're right it is the good side. ;) We actually moved out here from Richmond just after we got married.
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Pheeewwww, you made the right choice...LOL
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    I am living in Alberta, but spent my early childhood growing up in BC. I have been on MFP for about a month now and have had some success.
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    chgraham welcome to you. BC to Alberta???? Whyyyyyy? Just kidden. lol Congrats on your loss so far.
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    My family moved out to Alberta and haven't moved back. If I could get a job and a house, I would be out there in a heartbeat. I LOVE BC. Or as my hubby says, if we won the lottery.
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Aaaahhhh wouldnt that be nice. I too have that dream EVERYDAY. You see, I am a shopper (I have problems actually) and to be able to go and shop all day and buy whatever you want, or just to get up in the morning and plan when and where your next week's vacation is going to be...hmmm drool drool. Alas I guess you have to buy lottery tickets to win hey. Note to self...get lotto ticket.