The non dieters in you home

How do you deal with family that is not dieting and wants foods you can't have but you love..... my husband wants potatoes with is meal....fried in lots oil of course. You all know what I mean the foods that are tabu. He is very active and very he doesn't need to eat "diet" food. Am I really supposed to have that much will power right off the bat..... he's sitting next to me eating Doritos..... celery sticks are not DORITOS!!! That's my skinny guy in the pic with me :)


  • bdburch
    bdburch Posts: 127
    I would definitely talk to him about it. Since your diet is new, he is just following his usual routine and is probably unaware that you're drooling over the food you can't have. See if you can make some compromises with him. Instead of fried potatoes why not baked potatoes or even some brown rice? If he wants to eat doritos next to you, it might help you out if he could sit further away or even if he just poured himself a small serving of them so you'r eless tempted to take away his treat.

    It's difficult to resist everytime so never beat yourself up if you slip and have a little treat for yourself too. Just remember that you want to eat treats in moderation. Eventually, both of you will get used to your new lifestyle and it will all become easier.
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    I can def understand your concerns with this. I have the same issue. My husband can eat whatever he wants and never seems to gain any weight. The other issue I have is that if he wants it and I say no, then he deprives himself of whatever it is and I feel guilty. For exampe: He wanted a DQ Blizzard. We used to get a large each. I at first told him that I would go with him but didn't want one. His reaction - then we just won't go. So I offered to get a small and he still said no. If you aren't going to eat it then there is no sense in going. Again, I felt guilty so I wound up giving in and undoing everything I had worked for. (Which may explain why I have been off my eating plan for the last two weeks.)

    Like you, I am not sure how to handle this. I am def looking for some advice as well, but did want you to know that you aren't alone. Let's hope others can help.
  • kiwiwizard
    kiwiwizard Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Bitsy - I've been on medifast for 51 weeks. My husband asks me if we are ever going to have a potato in the house again? :-) Our son (8yrs old) is a very picky eater anyway & doesn't like anything that resembles a fruit or vegetable. I buy bread, occasionally I fix pasta, & we go out to eat typically at least x1 per week so they can satisfy whatever food craving they have been having that isn't satisfied by 'heathly low-carb cooking at home. Take your husband out to eat & see if that helps . . .
  • AnotherTryLiz
    AnotherTryLiz Posts: 77 Member
    My husband is the same way. He eats ALOT of things that I won't eat now. Luckily he works night shift and I work days so I don't see him eating all that junk. What I did, because he complained so much, is I go to the grocery store and get all the snacks and "bad" food he wants. He has his own cabinet in the kitchen that I put all his snacks in and it is OFF limits to me. In the freezer and refrigerator he has his own shelf. If he wants fattening food I either figure out a way to make it healthy or he makes it himself!
  • bdburch
    bdburch Posts: 127
    After talking with him, I highly advise making a meal plan with him. Try to incorporate something new into your diets at least once a week. I decided about 2 months ago that my husband and I need to eat healthier in general. He doesn't like change very much but after sitting down and expressing my concerns to him (I'm gaining weight, you're eating too much sugar, I don't want any health problems to arise because he have a poor diet) he got on board. I let him completely choose at least 1 meal per week (usually unhealthy) and I work it into my meal plan.

    He's always been a meat and potatoes guy but when we started adding new things to our diet we discovered he like brown rice! For us this is revolutionary because to stray away from potatoes is a bad bad thing for him. We also discovered he likes fish! We've gotten to the point where he will actually choose a fish based meal over a hamburger based one. He's discovered that he like the taste of lean ground beef as opposed to the fatty stuff. On the way, we've also discovered some things we don't like. I don't like cucumbers, he doesn't like zuchinni.

    I know that I'm lucky to hav emy husband on board and not many men are so willing to change their eating habits. The only advice that I can really give is to take it slow with him (you may need to cook separate meals or modify meals for yourself sometimes). Keep him involved and let him make choices about the foods that your family eats. It should keep both of you happy.
  • bitsyland
    Thanks for the advice and support everyone....I know this has to be a lifestyle change and he's going to probably be the biggest the strange thing is ..he is a 11 year recovering alcoholic and doesn't see the connection to my eat addictions and his alcohol addiction. I think in this past month he is starting to understand a little as he sees how hard i am trying and how hard it is...and how often i have to say no to things I love.
  • Angel03744
    Angel03744 Posts: 74 Member
    To me no food is off limits, I allow myself a small amount of everything. I Just use my portion and self control.
    If I over eat one day, then I use a calorie deficient days ( say if I over eat 300 cals, For 3 days I will take off 100 per day. ( or make sure I do extra on my run, go for a longer walk, ect ect.

    This way I dont get many cravings and I think this time around is why I have so far succeeded in this attempt at shifting this weight.
    ( I have failed many many times because too many food where off limits and then I craved and gave in )

    I actualy do not feel as tho I'm on a diet, I'm on a healtheir and Informed eating plan - I'm listening to my body, If I feel hungry then I'm not eating enought proteins or I'm actually thirsty, If I'm tired but I have slept well, then I need a few more carbs.. ect ect

    Hope this helps in some way
  • Angel03744
    Angel03744 Posts: 74 Member
    Oh and where my hubby is concerned... He eats the same as Me and our Daughter, at home on meal times, Just Him and her have lots more, But then he eats anything he likes during his working week lunch breaks, so I do not see it :)