22 and feel like I'm 50

DD0pe Posts: 34 Member
Hello I am 22 and I have been dieting forever I lost weight on diet pills but after I stop taking them they came right back ! I am in motivation to lose weight because I have the most amazing boyfriend and I want to look sexy for him . Being overweight always brought down my self esteem and I don't have a lot of money so I can't hide my insecurities with designer cloths that I really like . I am a fun person who loves to laugh ... i feel like im writing a profile on match.com !! any way So may be having friends that I can help motivate and can motivate me will help me on a successful weight loss journey


  • Hi there! How is it going? I read your post and thought I would get in touch! I am struggling to lose weight and need motivation too! I have been feeling rubbish about myself since I put it on about a year and a half ago!
  • peejay34mason
    peejay34mason Posts: 131 Member
    As you have seen diet pills are not the answer. It really is about lifestyle changes. You need to treat your body right and it will take good care of you. I had let myself go over the years with using excuses like being busy or not having time to fix "good" meals. You need to make time for you and your healthy lifestyle. I am 42 and feel like I am back in my 20's. I am so very pleased with my energy levels that honestly, I am probably in the best shape of my life. You need to make the decision to change for YOU. It helps that you are wanting to look good for that special someone, but honestly it really needs to be ALL ABOUT YOU! God bless you girlie and I hope you can turn things around. The good thing is that you have come to the right place to get all the support and information you can handle.
  • DD0pe
    DD0pe Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for all the support yeah I'm pretty lazy when it does to working out I don't know where to start I don't have time to go to the gym because of my work schedule I was hoping to have like things I can do to incorporate through out my day and maybe light to moderate things I can do on the weekends
  • Hello, I wanted to write because I am double your age and started thinking, "what would I want my older self to tell my younger self?" because on thing I find my self saying is that I am 44 and feel like I am 64!

    FIrst thing is to stop 'gaining' weight. To look at whatever weight I am at and not let it go one pound over. I was 'heavy' at 195 lbs. but it would've been easier on my body to stay there then be 44 years old and get to 250 lbs! If you're 250 now it will be better for you then being 300 later..

    To accept I am a good person no matter what weight I am but I will always feel less of myself the longer I keep the pounds on. I have a very loving and supportive husband of 21 years but I still know in my heart I would feel so much better if I looked and felt healthier

    Eat dessert (my favorite) only ONCE a week and keep small hard candies and dark chocolate handy for cravings.

    To start exercising and NEVER stop (if you have no children now is the best time to make a daily routine for yourself) but be determined to find exercise you like and mix it up a little bit with a couple of days ones you don't so learn learn a balance and don't get bored with the same routines. I find that I love to exercise now, but my body is so sore with arthritis and other ailments, I really wish I would've pushed myself when I was younger.

    Eat foods you love, just smaller portions.

    I am sure there is so much more I would say but I felt so healthy back then I probably wouldn't have listened!

    I am trying to listen to myself now and I can't give up this time. I just had a baby daughter (surprise) last year and my body is so out of shape. I don't want her to have a 'fat mom' who can only sit on the sidelines as she plays at the park or goes on fer first rollercoaster ride.

    Never give up, you can do it. For yourself first and then for all those you love now and in the future.

    Many blessings, Angela
  • Smoni2008
    Smoni2008 Posts: 30 Member
    First of all diets don't work Hun..But a lifestyle change does. You have to ask yourself this question to get there and stay there. Why do I want to truly loose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle and the answer should reflect on how you want to look and feel. Sure you want your mate to be attracted to you but that should not be your motivating factor. Men come and go but you are stuck with yourself until the day you die. In order to make the change you have to die to flesh ie giving up the foods that satisfy the flesh but does you harm. You have to cut back on moderation until you eventually no longer desire those foods. Allow yourself to splurge every now and then in moderation of course! Cardio..Cardio..Cardio. Start off small and work your way up and the pounds will shed. No need to buy diet pills, shakes or what have you. When choosing meats try to purchase lean cuts . Chicken, turkey and fish are all great selections. Feel free to follow any of us , friend request and view our diaries to see what we are eating. I think this will help. Good luck.
  • Smoni2008
    Smoni2008 Posts: 30 Member
    As you have seen diet pills are not the answer. It really is about lifestyle changes. You need to treat your body right and it will take good care of you. I had let myself go over the years with using excuses like being busy or not having time to fix "good" meals. You need to make time for you and your healthy lifestyle. I am 42 and feel like I am back in my 20's. I am so very pleased with my energy levels that honestly, I am probably in the best shape of my life. You need to make the decision to change for YOU. It helps that you are wanting to look good for that special someone, but honestly it really needs to be ALL ABOUT YOU! God bless you girlie and I hope you can turn things around. The good thing is that you have come to the right place to get all the support and information you can handle.

    Could not have said it better myself! Love it.. :)
  • jesikabaker4u
    jesikabaker4u Posts: 215 Member
    You are more than welcome to add me :-)
  • Teenee1722
    Teenee1722 Posts: 3 Member
    Trust me we are in the same boat, my boyfriend is a slim guy and beside him I feel like a whale, Feel free to add me. Maybe you could start working out on weekends and then after awhile try to fit it in a couple times a week. Hope u reach your weightloss goal.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    This should be about how you want to feel ABOUT YOU! Your boyfriend already likes you the way you are, but it sounds to me like you want to change. You deserve to be healthy! Excercise - if you don't know what to do, go for a walk that is excercise. How about dancing? That counts. Do what you like swimming, go bowling, ice skating, roller skating. That all counts. Fad diets don't work you have to strive for healthy eating. On your birthday, have cake. Look at the things in your life that trigger compulsive eating - bordom, stress? Try to put your finger on what makes you mindlessly eat and change it around. Good luck, dear. You've found the right place for help & support. :flowerforyou:
  • I had the same lazy thinking as you but trust me, as soon as you find that motivation within yourself, you won't think of anything but losing weight!! I have been struggling all my life with my weight and 2 weeks ago, I finally used my MFP, talked with my friends, and finally gave myself a good talking to (because it's all about YOU - YOU have to WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT, noone else can make up your mind for you that it's time for a change). I decided then and there that enough was enough - it's another new year but same old resolutions and this time I am going to do something positive for myself. The first week I signed up with a life-coach/nutritionist and after talking with him, discussing all my fears, I weighed myself and the number on that scaled scared me so much that that strengthened my resolve. I started eating breakfast (something I never liked!) - low fat yoghurt with lots of seeds, and drank lots and lots of water. Working out was a huge challenge for me but I started small things - walking around the block, and using my exercycle and home workouts in the comfort of my own home with noone around to be conscious of. Start slow and set your mind on a goal weight. Once you do that, divide into how much pounds/kgs you want to lose each week. A smaller number is always easier to achieve so it doesn't become too impossible or intimidating. I'm into my 2nd week and I couldn't believe I had it in me this whole time!! I wake early and prepare my lunch along with my kids' school lunches, eat breakfast and off we go. I walk around my school campus, up and down stairs and come home to cook dinner and put on a dvd workout and that's my day. It really does get easier:)...but YOU have to WANT to change!! I hope this helps you...good luck and let me know how you go:)
  • scadgirl20
    scadgirl20 Posts: 134 Member
    I did the diet pills too and it came back as well. Now I'm doing it the old fashion way. It'll be slower, but it'll also last longer. Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other.