Tips for Zombie/Ninja/Mud Runs!

I am completely out of shape, a LONG way from my goal, and rather crazy. So I signed up for a Zombie mud run on 20 April and a Ninja Challenge mud run on 18 May. :explode:

I have no idea what to expect. Not really. So I decided to google "tips for running in mud."

I came across a few gems I thought worth sharing, and hope that any experienced Zombie/Ninja/Mud runners could share their advice, too.

So, here we go.

1. You will not sprint from the starting line like they do in the movies. People will tiptoe until they have room to take decent sized steps. Then the faster people will overtake the slow people, creating a clear divide between the super fit and the people who are just there for the beer.
2. The first obstacle will not be right in front of you. You will have to cover some distance to get to it. This also helps to divide up the group so that obstacles are *slightly* less crowded.
3. The obstacles will be crowded.
4. Apparently, there are public showers at the end. I find this far scarier than anything else I will face either day. Bring a towel.

1. Wear 100% cotton tee shirts. If it is stretchy, the collar is likely to end up around your belly button after the first mud pit, and you will spend the rest of your time trying to keep the bottom from tangling up your knees.
2. Invest in some FiveFinger shoes. If you have to fish your shoe out of mud, there is a good chance it will not go over a muddy sock very easily. If you wear regular running shoes, double knot them and don't bother with tape. Just tuck in the laces. Combat boots with good, deep treads are also recommended, as long as you tuck in the laces and don't wear cotton socks.
3. Wear nylon or spandex shorts or leggings. The longer, the better. Your knees will thank you.
4. No matter what you wear, you will get mud EVERYWHERE. There isn't a single nook or cranny that the mud won't find and seep into.
5. Have a non-running friend waiting for you at the end with a bag of clothes. You do not want to have to walk all the way to your car and back before you shower. You might also want a beach towel for the car seat in case you missed any mud.
6. Don't wear goggles or sunglasses, and if you have contacts, bring rewetting drops.

1. Ease yourself into the mud pit. DO NOT jump in feet first unless you want to finish the race barefoot.
2. If you have to crawl, try not to use your knees. They will be a bloody pulp by the end.
3. Run along the sides of the mud pit- not the center. It will be shallower. Just watch out for zombies.
4. Take breaks when you need them and ALWAYS accept the water offered along the way.
5. ..... Really need more tips here, guys! Please share, and I will edit this post to include your suggestions!

1. Make sure you are not just running. You need upper body strength for the obstacles, too. Start with push ups, at minimum.
2. This is a good way to crawl without scraping up your knees:
3. ... help, please! :-)

GOOD LUCK, EVERYONE! It sounds like nightmarish fun! :laugh:


  • msandwich
    You'll have a blast. I did Warrior Dash last year, and would love to do it again. It's a ball. Just train smart, take your time at the course as far as obstacles go, and you'll do fine!
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Thanks! I am so totally stoked for this! (Except the showers. Terrified of public showers.)

    I've always been really good at obstacle course type challenges, but that was half a lifetime ago. (Literally. I was half my current age...) I've never done a muddy one! hehe
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Bumping to request training advice. I can't even do a pathetic attempt at a burpee yet, and those seem to be in all the training XTREME plans. Are there any training plans for those of us who are not extreme? So far, I am using a track to build endurance and handweights for strength. What are some easy-entry options for the actual obstacles? Should I just head out into some grass and practice my bear crawl? Practice swinging my legs over the porch rail?