Just joined

Have some friends that really like this website and told me to join. Hello, everyone:smile:


  • RebeccaAnne219
    RebeccaAnne219 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello! Welcome! I just joined too. I actually really like this website. It keeps me in check... like if I eat too many calories it makes me want to go do a workout... it is kind of inspiring b/c you get to have friends and read their posts, or whatnot.
  • adamsojh
    adamsojh Posts: 11
    I signed up a few days ago. Finally getting around to posting on here. I already lost 9lbs in the last month working out and jogging. From 220lbs to 211lbs. Figured I would try something new. My girlfriend recomended it.
  • Snoopy62au
    Hi all! I have just joined today. After "killing" myself on the treadmill and not shedding any weight for the last couple of weeks I figure I must be still eating and drinking tooo many calories. I decided I needed an eating diary to see what I am doing wrong. Congrats to everyone for taking an interest in their health. Good luck to everyone :)
  • Niteowlmama
    I too just joined a couple of days too. Good Luck everyone ! Happy Losing !